Ganjar Calls Children Now Believe In Selecting Vocational Schools, Hopes The School Of Enriching Foreign Language Lectures

Central Java (Central Java) Governor Ganjar Pranowo said that now people are studying at vocational high schools (SMK) starting to feel confident.

This was conveyed by Ganjar during the inauguration of the Central Building for the Excellence of Mechanical Engineering and the launch of NU Roaster and Mung Kopi Products at SMK Ma'arif Mungkid, Magelang Regency, Central Java, Tuesday, February 21.

"In the past, vocational schools were considered number two, now they are starting to turn around," he said.

According to him, this education at SMK actually provides children with good skills to be able to pick up a better future.

Ganjar said that with more and more vocational schools, people began to believe in themselves because many people needed skilled workers from an early age with the most appropriate places through vocational education.

"I hope that some graduates from vocational schools will immediately work, some have the ability to add knowledge, so study," he said, quoted by Antara.

He also hopes that vocational school graduates will be strengthened by mastering a foreign language, for example, English is better because it is universal language, then Arabic, Chinese, and Korean.

He considered that Ma'arif Mungkid's vocational school was quite serious in providing students, there was even a good work in collaboration with the industry to make a roaster machine so that children's works were concrete and could be sold.

"vocational school children have quite good experience. Not only knowledge but a lot of practice. At its peak later is the coaching factory. That way their skills will be easy to implement and understand how much quality they are," he said.