The COVID-19 Task Force Called Vaccination Difficult To Run If There Was No Tightening Of The Java-Bali PSBB

JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Wiku Adisasmito said that the COVID-19 vaccination process which will start in mid-January can be difficult to run smoothly if there is no tightening of community mobility.

Therefore, the steps decided were to tighten the PSBB in parts of Java and Bali from January 11 to January 25.

"When we want to vaccinate but the transmission is high, it will be difficult for the vaccination to run smoothly. So, of course the transmission must be suppressed," said Wiku in a YouTube broadcast of BNPB Indonesia, Thursday, January 7.

Wiku said, vaccination is one of a number of steps by the government in order to provide double protection against the transmission of COVID-19 in the community, in addition to compliance with health protocols.

Moreover, at this time a new type of corona virus variant has emerged which is more quickly transmitted from one person to another. Wiku said, this virus will be able to adjust itself if it continues to spread.

"So, by suppressing transmission through strict 3M implementation and beyond, with such restrictions, hopefully all conditions will be controlled," said Wiku.

Regarding the potential weakening of economic conditions due to the tightening of the PSBB in Java and Bali, Wiku asks all parties to understand that what is being prioritized now is health investment.

"Actually, this health investment is for the economy in the future. So don't waste your health, in the end we can't carry out socio-economic activities," said Wiku.

"There is no need to conflict. Both are important, but we have to invest in health now. We need time to cool down to suppress the case. So, we are even healthier to be able to face this pandemic," he added.