National Police Chief Sigit Calls Using Weather Modification Formula To Rescue Jambi Police Chief

National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said the joint SAR team was trying to modify the weather to evacuate Jambi Police Chief Inspector General Rusdi Hartono and his entourage from the point of an emergency landing helicopter in Kerinci's hills.This is done because the evacuation process always fails on the grounds of extreme weather."We are trying how to make weather modifications," General Sigit told reporters, Tuesday, February 21.Moreover, the weather around the location has not improved. The thick fog fell so that it interfered with visibility.It is hoped that by making weather modifications, it can facilitate the evacuation process"The speeding can be removed and the view of the location of this crime scene can really be seen clearly. So, evacuation by air can be carried out properly," said Sigit.Jambi Police Chief Inspector General Rusdi Hartono and his entourage experienced a terrible incident. The helicopter they were traveling in lost contact on Sunday, February 19.A total of 8 people were victims. Apart from that, the Kapolda there are also several Jambi Regional Police officials and helicopter crews.Apart from the Jambi Police Chief, other police personnel who were victims of the incident were the Director of Criminal Investigation of the Jambi Police, Kombes Andri Ananta Yudhistira, the Jambi Police Dirpolair Kombes Michael Mumbunan, Koorspripim KompolThen, there were three helicopter crews, namely pilot AKP Ali Nurdin S Harahap, co-pilot AKP Amos Freddy P Sitompul, and mechanical named Aipda Susilo.