What Is Coklit In The Election? Here's The Explanation

YOGYAKARTA - When asked what is a bankruptcy? Of course this will refer to the election more. Coklit is included in the terms commonly used in general elections (elections). Coklit is one of the activities carried out in the general election process in Indonesia.

Then, what does Coklit mean in the election? Who is working on Coklit in the election? To answer this, see the full explanation below.

Election collection stands for Matching and Research in General Election Implementation. Coklit's activities in elections are by visiting Voters directly and following up on RT or RW inputs. This is limited according to the Law of the General Election Commission (PKPU) Number 2 of 2017.

What Do Coklit Do In Elections? Coklit Activities as referred to above are done to correct the Voter List, with the following system:

Who Did Coklit In The Election?

Explained in Article 1 of PKPU No. 2 of 2027, the activities of Matching and Research or Coklit in the General Election are carried out by PPDP or also known as Pantarlih (based on Article 1 of PKPU No. 8 of 2022).

What is PPDP or Pantarlih? PPDP stands for Voter Data Update Officer (Panterih). PPDP or Pantarlih was compiled by PPS (voting Committee) to carry out registration and updating of Voter data at the election and election stages.

Updating Voter Data is an activity to update Voter Data according to the Voter List.

Staying from Elections or Final Elections and determining DP4 with a system of working on the factual verification of Voter data and then used as material for the formation of DPS carried out by the Regency/City KPU/KIP assisted by PPK and PPS.

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