Attorney Pinangki's Sister Admits That She Is Often Given Money And Bought A Mercy Car

JAKARTA - The younger brother of Attorney Pinangki Sirna, Pungki Primarini, was again brought to trial to be questioned as a witness for the accused Joko Tjandra.

In this trial, the panel of judges studied the criminal act of money laundering (TPPU) which was suspected by the Prosecutor Pinangki Sirna Malasari.

Initially, the presiding judge Muhammad Damis asked Pungki whether he had ever received or given anything from Pinangki. Then, Pungki answered that his brother often gave him something.

"There have been many (given something), cars," said Pungki in a trial at the Corruption Court, Central Jakarta, Thursday, January 7.

Then, Judge Damis again asked about when to give the car and the type of car. Pungki said that his brother gave Mercy's car about three years ago. But he doesn't remember the price the car was given.

"(Awarded) 2017, Mercy," said Pungki.

Besides that, Pungki also said that his brother often gave money. However, giving money is considered a natural thing between brothers and sisters.

"(Giving) pocket money. Naturally, brothers," he said.

As for the previous trial, Pungki said that his brother had entrusted the management of family needs to him. In fact, Pinangki always sends money that is intended to pay for employee salaries and daily needs.

"For household needs," said Pungki in a trial at the Corruption Court, Central Jakarta, Monday, November 30.

Pungki said that his brother, Pinangki, often sends large amounts of money. This is because the needs that must be paid per month reach Rp. 70-80 million.

But the nominal money is to pay bills and employee salaries for the next few months. "Usually every 5 months. I don't know if I've paid attention," he said.

Pungki then explained that the source of his brother's money came from the legacy of Pinangki's ex-husband who had died. The inheritance in foreign currency is kept in a safe.

"(Sources of money) From deposits are in the safe," he said.