What Makes A Photo Interesting?

JAKARTA - Photos with certain compositions can be considered attractive. Although everyone has a different point of view in assessing a photo. But what is depicted in the frame is the value of the photo.

What is an interesting photo like?

First, attractive photos have emotional appeal. For example, there is an incident that is caught with the lens and evokes the emotional side of the three parties. Namely from the subject who is frozen in the frame, the photographer and the party who sees the photo.

This means that certain moments can stimulate the photographer to press the shutter. Save up to publish and stimulate the emotions of the audience.

Furthermore, a good photo can be considered as one memory. Richard H. Smith Ph.D at Psychology Today reveals that attractive photos are not based on interesting subjects.

According to Smith, the greatness of a photographer is not proven by taking good photos of subjects.

In analyzing Frank Döring's photos, Smith explained that the photographer's ability is proven by capturing the subject's expression with the camera.

For example, the peculiarities of the facial expressions of children running around teaching a pig in Döring's photo. In particular the cheerful faces of the seven children turned in one focus, towards the running pig.

Moments are the key to building the emotional aspect of a photo.

The accuracy of the moment is also a great thing for photographers to make interesting photos. Furthermore, even though photos are static, they illustrate the opposite, namely dynamics also make a photo feel 'alive'.

Second, the human brain processes the simplest things. That's why the continuity of what is depicted in a photo makes it feel more alive.

The background image and the one in focus are related to one another.

For example, still a photo of Döring, the background of the crowd did not clearly support the focus captured by him. Photos of children running around would be less exciting if they were not supported by many people's backgrounds.

Third, attractive photos have a clear picture narrative. Even though it is seen by various heads, photos can build indicators and seem to lead the audience to the same statement.

Narrative, in terms of terminology, is an attempt to tell about an event. It is also the photographer's way of telling the viewer of the photo what event was being told.

Fourth, photos cannot be separated from the work of the left brain and right brain, between logic and imagination. Good photos are photos that take framing logic into account and process events based on imagination.

Here, a photo with the right composition so that it spoils the imagination can be said to be an interesting image. In the end, the accuracy of the moment, composition, events and narrative is summarized in one photo which is considered interesting.