In The Face Of The 2024 General Election, The Complaint Post Was Built At The Padang Kejari

SUMBAR - The Padang District Attorney's Office (Kejari) has prepared a complaint post for the public and participants who know or experience violations in the 2024 simultaneous General Election stage.

"This election post is prepared to accommodate and respond to reports of alleged violations from the public during the 2024 democratic party," said Head of the Intelligence Section of the Padang Attorney General's Office Afliandi in Padang, West Sumatra, Monday, February 20, as reported by Antara.

Afliandi said the complaint post would be located on the first floor of the Padang Kejari Office which is located on Jalan Gajah Mada, Padang City.

He said that later people could report various forms of violations that could potentially occur during the election period such as black campaigns, fake news or hoaxes, and money politics.

"Then the destruction of campaign tools, inciting, hate speech on social media, cornering certain groups, and insults related to ethnicity of religion and race," he said.

He explained that the election post can be accessed by the public and participants of the 2024 General Election, so that the reporter does not need to worry because his party guarantees the confidentiality of the identity of the reporter.

According to him, every report that is included in the election post will be reviewed, then followed up by fields in the Padang Kejari, or coordinating with related institutions such as the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu), the police, and others according to the type of violation.

"Currently, the construction of this election post is almost one hundred percent complete, and the official launch is planned to take place this week," he said.

The Padang Kejari also expressed its commitment to support and succeed in the implementation of the 2024 General Election which is honest and fair in the local city.

He also appealed to the public and election participants to jointly make the democratic party a success without committing any violations, so that the security and conduciveness of this area is maintained.

He added that the Padang Kejari also placed prosecutors in an integrated law enforcement team (Gakumdu) which is a combination of the Attorney General's Office, Police, and Bawaslu.