Tightening The Java-Bali PSBB, Coordinating Minister For The Economy: People Don't Need To Travel

JAKARTA - The Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto asked the public not to go on excursions outside the city during the tightening of the PSBB in a number of areas of Java and Bali.

The reason is that public places to social and cultural activities, said Airlangga, will be closed during the tightening period from January 11 to January 25.

"If you don't need to, just stay at home. People don't need to have a trip. Because, traveling to public places is all closed," said Airlangga Airlangga in a BNPB Indonesia Youtube broadcast, Thursday, December 7.

Airlangga said that the current COVID-19 transmission clusters are not only in many office areas, but in family clusters. Family clusters are booming because many people have contracted COVID-19 from outside and have returned to transmitting other family members when returning home.

Regarding restrictions on the mobility of community activities from one area to another, Airlangga said that the provisions were still the same as before, namely having a rapid antigen test and a negative PCR test swab for COVID-19.

"Primarily, logistics and economic activity can continue. For mobility, for example flights, we already have regulations related to PCR tests and others," he said.

PSBB tightening exists in six provinces, but is carried out on a micro scale for each district / city. In the DKI Jakarta Province, it applies in all administrative cities, namely North Jakarta, West Jakarta, Central Jakarta, East Jakarta, South Jakarta, and the Thousand Islands.

In West Java, the city of Bogor, Bogor Regency, Depok City, Bekasi City, Bekasi Regency, and Bandung Raya areas such as Bandung City, West Bandung Regency, Cimahi Regency are tightening.

Banten Province is located in the Tangerang Raya area, namely Tangerang City, Tangerang Regency, South Tangerang City.

In Central Java Province are Semarang Raya, Solo Raya, and Banyumas Raya. In DI Yogyakarta are Yogyakarta City, Bantul Regency, Gunung Kidul Regency, Sleman Regency, and Kulonprogo Regency.

In East Java are all areas of Malang Raya and Surabaya Raya. Meanwhile in Bali are Denpasar City and Badung Regency.

The eight forms of restriction restriction are as follows:

1. Limit workplaces to 75 percent WFH and enforce strict health protocols.

2. Online teaching and learning activities.

3. The essential sectors related to the basic needs of the community continue to operate 100 percent by regulating operational hours, capacities, and maintaining strict health protocols.

4. Limiting the opening hours of activities in shopping centers until 19.00 local time. Eating and drinking at a place to eat or a restaurant is a maximum of 25 percent. Ordering food via take away or delivery is still permitted.

5. Allow construction activities to operate 100 percent with the implementation of stricter health protocols.

6. Allow places of worship to impose a 50 percent capacity limit on the implementation of stricter health protocols.

7. Public facilities and socio-cultural activities are temporarily suspended.

8. Arrangement of capacity and operating hours of transportation modes.