It Was 'fun' For The DKI DPRD To Ask For Additional Time To Discuss The APBD

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of DKI DPRD Zita Anjani is not sure that he will be able to pursue the ratification of the 2020 regional revenue and expenditure budget (APBD) and will be knocked out by 30 November.

A few days ago, the DKI DPRD tried to write to the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) asking for additional time to knock on the APBD from the specified time limit. Bearing in mind, this year, the initial phase of budget discussions in all regions has been delayed due to changes in council members for the period 2014-2019 with 2019-2024. Moreover, if the budget approval passes the deadline, the DPRD will be threatened not to receive a salary for up to 6 months.

However, Zita admitted that he did not mention the amount of time the DPRD requested an extension of the budget discussion through the letter.

"It's okay, we keep asking, just keep in touch. We just say we're asking for additional time, because we want each outcome of the discussion to be truly effective," Zita told reporters, Monday, November 18.

Zita revealed the reason for the extension of the budget discussion time. Until now, the general policy for the temporary budget priority-ceiling (KUA-PPAS) for 2020 in DKI has not been ratified.

Until now, the leadership of each Commission in the DPRD has not held a joint meeting to report the recapitulation of the results of the KUA-PPAS discussion with the regional work units (SKPD).

After that, there is still a further process at the Budget Agency to pass the KUA-PPAS into the Draft APBD (RAPBD). After the RAPBD is examined again, then there will be a knock on the approval of the APBD.

The discussion process is still long, while the time limit is running low, this is the reason DPRD asks for an extension of time from the Ministry of Home Affairs.

"I want the citizens' money to be used properly. Do not let us be quick but the results will not be effective. This is a positive culture in the DPRD. All of each commission works hard in detail to discuss (budget items) one by one," said Zita .

Furthermore, Zita was also not entirely sure that the Ministry of Home Affairs would allow the additional time they requested. If it is not granted, like it or not, the DPRD will rush over the discussion so that the budget will not pass by the end of this month.

"(If the Ministry of Home Affairs refuses), we will chase it, we will stay up late. We will make sure that the citizen's penny is counted and is really checked at the Commission," he concluded.