May 2023, Papua Holds The National Forum For Religious Leaders Throughout Indonesia

BIAK - Papua Province will host a national meeting of leaders between religious communities throughout Indonesia which will take place in Jayapura City in May 2023.

"The appointment of Papua as a meeting place for religious leaders in Indonesia is because the results of the increase in the Papuan religious harmony index are in first place," said Chairman of the Papuan Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) KH Syaiful Islam Al Payage as quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, February 19.

Payage asks all religious communities in the Land of Papua to participate in maintaining the security and public order situation so that large national events in Papua can run smoothly in May.

"Religious leaders in the Land of Papua fully support the implementation of this national meeting forum because it will be attended by all religious leaders from various regions in Indonesia," he said.

When asked about the material for the national meeting of religious leaders in Papua, Payage said the forum would discuss various religious issues that developed in society.

"Another agenda is the national meeting forum for religious leaders throughout Indonesia to see and prove the implementation of religious harmony in Papua," said the chairman of the MUI Papua Payage.

He assessed the conditions of life between religious communities in the Land of Papua to tolerate each other by respecting each other and respecting differences in belief.

Meanwhile, in the relationship of brotherhood and love with fellow religious communities, according to Payage, each religious leader has realized in various social activities in the Land of Papua.

For example, if there is a negative issue about religion that can seep into the Land of Papua, according to Payage, religious leaders immediately hold a meeting to discuss the issue and try to overcome it.

"In fact, often religious leaders go directly to the community to become mediators or mediate to create peace in the Land of Papua," said Payage.

The working visit of the Papua MUI chairman to Biak Numfor became the preacher for the celebration of Isra Miraj on Saturday 18 February and inaugurated the MUI Biak Numfor board for the 2022-2027 period chaired by KH Ahmad Burhanulhaq.