Hindun's Body Was Finally Found, But Her Husband Is Still In Search

The body of a resident of Ciburial Village, Cibinong District, Cianjur Regency, West Java, who was lost by the current of the Cibogo River on February 16, was finally found. The victim, named Hindun, was found seven kilometers from the first location reported missing with her husband.

The joint SAR team spent more than an hour evacuating the victim's body.

"Officers had difficulty evacuating the bodies of the victims who had died from being pinned with stones and tree trunks. After more than an hour, officers managed to evacuate the bodies of the victims who were handed over directly to the families for burial," said Cibinong Police Chief, Iptu Dedi Suryaman, as reported by Antara, Saturday, February 18.

Joint officers are now continuing to find the body of Judin, the husband of the victim Hindun. Judin is expected to be carried away further downstream.

The husband and wife were reported missing by the current of the Cibogo river on 16 February. They fell into the river while crossing the bamboo bridge which suddenly collapsed.

"At that time, it rained heavily and the two victims were about to go home to cross the bamboo bridge which suddenly collapsed. The bodies of the two fell into the Cibogo River which was heavy and carried away by the current," said Dedi.

Witnesses who saw the incident reported to the village apparatus and to officers at the Cibinong Police Station. Officers who received the report immediately coordinated with BPBD and SAR Bandung, to search for assistance from local officials and residents.