The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Calls Reconsideration As A Excavation Of Suspension Of Cases Executed

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) assesses that the attempted judicial review (PK) proposed by the convict is often a loophole to buy time for executions to correctional institutions (prisons). Moreover, this submission can be made many times.

"(PK, ed) can be possible, used only for buying time, delaying time so as not to be executed immediately. If you want to be executed (promoting, red) PK, you want to be executed by PK again," said KPK Deputy Chair Nurul Ghufron as quoted from the Indonesian KPK YouTube, Saturday, February 18.

Ghufron said the KPK was paying attention to this phenomenon. However, they cannot do much because the last legal action is a provision regulated in the law and decision of the Constitutional Court (MK).

Even so, the KPK wants to discuss with the Supreme Court (MA) so that this kind of incident does not occur. They hope that there will be limits on the implementation of this PK.

"We hope that first, we want to discuss with the Supreme Court how to ensure that this PK is limited," he said.

Next, the KPK also wants the laws and regulations that discuss the PK issue to be clarified. "So that the things that become a requirement are measurable so that they cannot be used as buying time," said Ghufron.

The KPK encourages this discussion about PK to be held. This is because they consider that PK efforts aimed at delaying executions are also vulnerable to bribery.

"We will prevent it and will monitor its implementation. Hopefully it will no longer be used and there will be no gaps in bribery," he concluded.