Golkar 'Sibuk' Takkan Cawapres Dampingi Airlangga Di 2024, PAN Merespons: KIB Belum Rembukan

JAKARTA - The National Mandate Party (PAN) responded to the Golkar Party's statement that it was looking for a vice presidential candidate (cawapres) to accompany Airlangga Hartarto in the 2024 presidential election.PAN Secretary General Eddy Soeparno said his party also has nine names that will be brought to the national leadership meeting (rapimnas). Of the nine, three names will be selected and proposed as PAN presidential and vice-presidential candidates to the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB)."If we have conveyed it at the National Working Meeting, there are already nine figures who will be promoted by PAN as our presidential and vice-presidential candidates. Yes, we will soon narrow the names of these figures in the national leadership meeting. And after that, we will discuss it with friends from KIB, the names of figures or candidates who have been determined by PAN," said Eddy while attending the 50th PPP Harlah event at ICE BSD, South Tangerang, Friday, February 17, evening."There may be three names, we convey the presidential and vice presidential candidates. Because after all, whoever we carry has become a mutual agreement at KIB, we will break it down with friends at KIB," he continued.Eddy said that his party would immediately announce the name of the presidential and vice presidential candidates if there had been common ground in the joint discussion at KIB. Currently, he said, KIB members have not deposited names because each party is still discussing it internally."Hopefully soon, because in each party in this KIB it also discusses the names of each of them. So when the friends have finished, we will immediately discuss it. So that the tit for tat, it can be finished at the same time," he explained.Regarding the Golkar Party which is adamant in nominating Airlangga Hartarto as a presidential candidate, Eddy ensures that in due time each political party will express their respective views. Even with PAN, he said, he also wants General Chair Zulkifli Hasan to become a presidential candidate or vice presidential candidate in 2024."I think all parties will also openly convey their views. Of course we respect anyone, right if PAN wants Mr. Zulkifli Hasan. Because as a party, pride is if the chairman generally runs in the presidential election," he said."Well, but back again, this is a coalition, so we have to have each other's understanding, and in the end we want to win. So I think the criteria will be taken into consideration later," added the deputy chairman of Commission VII DPR.Asked about the uncertain question of KIB choosing Airlangga as a presidential candidate, Eddy was reluctant to comment. According to him, this still needs to be in KIB."Until there is no definitive certainty, of course everything will certainly be reduced to the KIB," said Eddy.Previously, the Golkar Party stated that it was looking for the right vice presidential candidate to accompany Airlangga Hartarto in the 2024 presidential election. A number of criteria have even been prepared by Golkar for a duet with the Ketum.The chairman of the Golkar DPP, Dave Laksono, said that the vice presidential candidate for Airlangga must basically have the same goal, namely to build the nation and continue the policies of the era of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi)."The right presidential candidate for Mr. Airlangga is one that can jointly build the nation and continue all current economic policies," said Dave, Thursday, February 16.According to the DPR member, the criteria for the vice presidential candidate for Airlangga are very important so that President Jokowi's program continues and is increasingly on target. "We will announce right on time, don't be in a hurry," said Dave.