PSBB Jawa Bali 2021, Capacity And Operating Hours For Public Transportation Will Be Regulated

JAKARTA - A limited meeting at the Presidential Office gave birth to a decision. The islands of Java and Bali will be strictly enforced by the PSBB. The enactment starts January 11-25, given the high increase in COVID-19 cases in Indonesia.

Chairman of the Committee for Handling COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery (KPCPEN) Airlangga Hartarto has ordered regional heads in Java and Bali to tighten the mobility of citizens. This is stated in Government Regulation Number 21 of 2020.

"This restriction is not a prohibition on activities but a limitation," said Airlangga Hartarto in a virtual statement broadcast on the Presidential Secretariat YouTube, Wednesday, January 6.

The governors in each province in Java and Bali will make this restrictive regulation in a regional head regulation which regulates more details regarding the tightening of these restrictions.

Java-Bali PSBB Rules

Broadly speaking, the Java Bali PSBB will limit the Work Form Home (WFH) workplace to 75 percent by strictly carrying out the prokes. Online teaching and learning activities.

The essential sectors related to the basic needs of the community continue to operate 100 percent by regulating operating hours, capacities, and maintaining strict health protocols. Limiting the opening hours of activities in shopping centers until 19.00 local time. Eating and drinking at a place to eat or a restaurant is a maximum of 25 percent. Ordering food via take away or delivery is still permitted.

Allow construction activities to operate 100 percent with the implementation of more stringent health protocols. Allow places of worship to impose a capacity limit of 50 percent with the implementation of stricter health protocols.

Public facilities and socio-cultural activities have been temporarily suspended. Arrangement of capacity and operating hours of transportation modes.

Location of implementation of the Java-Bali PSBB In West Java, the city of Bogor, Bogor Regency, Depok City, Bekasi City, Bekasi Regency, Bandung City, West Bandung Regency, Cimahi Regency have been tightened. Banten Province is located in Tangerang City, Tangerang Regency, Tangsel City, this is Tangerang Raya. In Central Java Province are Semarang Raya, Solo Raya, and Banyumas Raya. In DI Yogyakarta is Gunung Kidul Regency, Sleman Regency, Kulon Progo Regency. In East Java are the cities of Malang Raya and Surabaya Raya. Meanwhile in Bali are Denpasar and Badung Regency.

"The government will increase justisi operations," said Airlangga.
