Bankings Issues Of Poto Island Selled, TNI Improved Patrols On Bintan's Outer Islands

KEPRI - Military District Command (Kodim) 0315/Tanjungpinang increases patrols on the outer islands in the Bintan Regency area, Riau Islands Province (Kepri).

The commander of Kodim 0315/Tanjungpinang Colonel Inf Tommy Anderson said the effort was to dispel the issue of alleged sales of the outermost island in Bintan, one of which was Poto Island.

"The outer islands in Bintan Regency, which are under our supervision, namely Poto Island, Koyang Island, and Ajab Island," said Tommy in Tanjungpinang, Riau Islands, Friday, February 17, as reported by Antara. Tommy said that the outer islands were uninhabited with rock soil structures and mangrove or mangrove forests. He said his party had installed information boards that the islands were under the supervision of Kodim 0315/Tanjungpinang.

According to him, this intensive supervision is a direct instruction from the Commander of the Military Resort Command (Korem) 033/Wira Pratama. This includes efforts to be serious about the TNI in overcoming the issue of alleged sales of the outermost islands on Bintan on social media.

"That's why surveillance is carried out to convince the public that it is not true that our outer islands are being sold," he said.

He emphasized that Poto Island and other outer islands in the region are always under the supervision of Kodim 0315/Tanjungpinang along with other relevant agencies.

"We reiterate that the outer islands will always be in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia and always under the supervision of Kodim 0315/Tanjungpinang," he said.

Meanwhile, Bintan Regent Roby Kurniawan confirmed that the issue circulating in the community regarding Poto Island in Kelong Village, Bintan Pesisir District, which was neglected until it was sold, was not true.

The Regent together with the TNI, Polri, and Land Agency (BPN) in Bintan Regency have even gone directly to the location of Poto Island to clarify information on the sale of the island.

"We have checked together, there is no buying and selling of Poto Island as the news is circulating," said Roby in Bintan, Riau Islands, Friday, February 17.