Menpan RB Kembali Menangkahkan ASN Tidak Berbelit-belit Keperluan Masyarakat

MALANG - Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan RB) Abdullah Azwar Anas asked the state civil apparatus (ASN) to improve performance that has an impact on the community. Azwar Anas said that the current performance of ASN must be able to have an impact or be felt directly by the community through a number of prepared work programs. "So we ask the bureaucratic performance we encourage so that in the future the impact and size felt by the people is more pronounced," said Azwar Anas as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, February 17. Azwar Anas explained based on President Joko Widodo's direction, the future bureaucratic process should not be complicated and complicate the community so that the government sets targets that have an impact on the performance of ASN. According to him, the government has established Bureaucratic Reform (RB) Thematics so that the performance of ASN is able to have an impact on society. There are a number of things that fall into the theoretical RB, namely the poverty rate is increasing and the value of investment increases. "If the digital government runs, then the service will be faster, nice, cheap, and accountable," he said. He added that the government encourages the growth of local product spending through local e-catalogs so that local product spending is expected to grow, achieve transparency, and budget absorption faster. Local product spending in local e-catalogs must grow. Because if the e-catalog is definitely a transparent way and absorption of the budget faster," he said. Meanwhile, Malang Regent M Sanusi added that Kemenpan RB has been providing a lot of attention to the running of the government at the regional level, including the Malang Regency Government environment. Malang Regency Government is committed to implement the Bureaucratic Reform Program in order to achieve targets, namely realizing clean and accountable bureaucracy, catabelian bureaucracy, as well as bureaucracy capable of providing excellent public services. Malang Regency Regency continues to strengthen its commitment to realize professional and intelligent ASN through strengthening work culture," he said.