There Are Irregularities In The Participants Of The Not Present Test But The Value Appears, 25 Village Apparatus Participants In Kudus Send A Letter To The Pansel
A total of 25 participants in the selection of village officials from Kesambi Village, Kudus Regency, Central Java, submitted an objection letter to the selection committee (pansel) because there were several irregularities.The objection letter from them was submitted by representatives of the selection test participants to the selection committee in Kesambi Village, Mejobo District, Kudus Regency today and then forwarded to Padjadjaran University (Undpad).According to Abdullah Rifai, representatives of village officials selection test participants, the test value has changed from the previous high to low.Another objection, he said, was that the value did not appear immediately after the test ended at 15.00 WIB. The announcement of the test result value was at 19.00 WIB."There is no real time to know the value of a computer-based test or computer assisted test (CAT) as a form of value transparency," he said as quoted by Antara, Friday, February 17.In fact, he said, there were test participants who were not present, but the value could appear.Bukhori, another test participant, admitted that the value was recorded in the first announcement of 350, then there was an announcement that the value was reduced to 250.The head of the Kesambi Village Apparatus Selection Committee, Muhamma Mawahib, revealed that his party would accommodate an objection letter from residents who took the village apparatus selection test on Tuesday."We also ask them to complete the objection letter whether there are enough four points or there are additions. Don't just say it verbally, but in writing," he said.Because the objection submitted was related to the value of the test results, his party could not answer. Furthermore, it will forward to Padjadjaran University (Undpad) as the third party appointed as the organizer of the village apparatus selection test.In accordance with the cooperation agreement letter, he said, the committee has the opportunity to object for a maximum of 7 days, while the Unpad party also has the obligation to provide the answer for a maximum of 3 days."When there is an answer from Unpad, we will provide the answer to the objection letter submitted today (17/2)," he said.