The Suspected Group Of Investigating Sesat Flows Can Development MUI In Tangerang

TANGERANG A group suspected of embracing heretical sects received guidance from the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) together with the Tangerang Regency Government (Pemkab), Banten.

Secretary of the MUI Tangerang Regency, Nur Alam in Tangerang said that his party has now helped provide a correct understanding so as not to deviate from the teachings of Islamic Sharia Expert Sunnah Waljamaah to the group.

"What is certain is that to this day, his followers from the Balaraja area, Cisoka are in the coaching stage of the ulama assembly. So until now they are still being monitored and fostered," said Nur Alam, quoting Antara, Wednesday, February 16.

He said that if the group suspected of embracing the heretical sect led by a man with the name Aliyudin had been asked to make a statement admitting that he was wrong in understanding the teachings of Islam.

In addition, continued Nur Alam, they have also promised not to do and spread teachings that are contrary to the correct teachings of Islam.

"And for his mistake, they have also admitted their mistakes and acknowledged their mistakes, and have apologized to the community," he said.

According to him, from the results of the study and investigation by the team in the field, it was known that the activities or rituals carried out by the Aliyudin leadership group were wrong in carrying out and practicing Islamic law.

"So basically, after the investigation, after being studied, there is nothing included in the criteria for heretical sects. It's just a mistake in carrying out rituals, there are no teachers, there are no Mursyids, so they are wrong in carrying out rituals only," he said.

He also invited the people of Tangerang Regency to open up, straighten out teachings that were considered deviant and caused unrest.

Previously, the District Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimcam) revealed the findings of the alleged existence of heretical sect teachings in Cibugel Village, Cisoka District, Tangerang Regency, Banten.

The finding of this deviant sect, after the hectic video footage on social media related to religious ritual practices carried out by a group of residents.

The Head of Cisoka Sub-district, Encep Sahayat, said that the findings of the alleged heretical sect originated from information from the local community and then his party together with related agencies immediately checked the location where the heretical teachings were.

"After coordinating, we immediately went to Aliyudin's place in Kapung Cibuluh. Then we saw firsthand what kind of ritual place. And it was true that there was a grave (place to be used as a ritual)," he said.

From the results of the search for Forkopimcam to the location where the leader of the flow was found a room containing a tomb in it. However, after the results of the check, it was confirmed that it was not a real tomb but it was made by the leader of the flow.

"It is certain that it is not a real tomb. Because it was made by Aliyudin himself. And after that they also carried out the demolition," he said.

Then, after coordinating with several religious figures, his party immediately stopped and dismantled the alleged grave which was used as a place for ritual practice.

"The person concerned (the perpetrator) realized that what he was doing was not in accordance with Islamic principles as it should have been done. Furthermore, after listening to some opinions he was willing to stop the ritual," he said.