Producers' Debut In Replying Films, Baim Wong Pasangkan Reza Rahadian Dan Laura Basuki

JAKARTA - The film Retaliating has made Baim Wong's debut as a film producer. Not only that, he also played as a robber named Karni in the film.

Baim can be said to be brave enough when taking the thriller genre by raising the theme of revenge. The reason is, nowadays many films have a close storyline with the lives of their audiences. Meanwhile, Replying to your parents has a unique storyline and is not easy to find in everyday society.

Paula Verhoeven's husband is well aware of his decision. He had his own reasons when he stated that he was willing to produce Retaliatory Awards.

"Thriller is a bit difficult when we talk about the audience. But I'm sure when they are all cast and Mas Teddy is inside, and the writing is like this, we finally believe," said Baim Wong during a press conference at Plaza Indonesia, Central Jakarta on Wednesday, February 15, 2023.

To cover various detrimental risks, Baim said that the existence of Reza Rahadian and Laura Basuki as the main characters aims to provide more quality for films, so that viewers are more interested in watching.

"I talked to Mas Teddy, I want to produce the film, the requirements are Reza Rahadian and Laura Basuki. So, I reduce the risk. I am also happy when other people don't make it and I make it," he said.

Directed by Teddy Soeriaatmadja, Replying to death stars Reza Rahadian, Laura Basuki, Baim Wong, Yoga Pratama, Kiki Narendra, Haydar Salishz, Athar Barakbah, Niken Anjani and Irgi Fahrezi.

Retaliating You can be watched on Prime Video since Thursday, February 16, 2023 tomorrow.