3 Children Age 10-14 Years Becomes Part 102 Digitized People Rehabilitated By The Southeast Sulawesi BNN During 2022

SULTRA - The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of Southeast Sulawesi Province (Sultra) rehabilitated 102 drug addicts during 2022. In detail, there were 90 men and 12 women.

The BNN Rehabilitation Coordinator for Southeast Sulawesi La Mala said the rehabilitation was carried out using outpatient methods. Including some patients referred for hospitalization so that they can be separated from the dependence of illegal drugs.

La Mala said that of the hundreds of addicts, seven of them were in the severe category, four were sent to the BNN Baddoka Makassar Rehabilitation Center, while the other three were undergoing outpatient treatment at the BNN partner clinic, namely North Maluku BNN, Kolaka Regency BNN and South Konawe Hospital.

"Other drug addicts have been rehabilitated at the BNN Southeast Sulawesi clinic so that they can be free from these illegal drugs," he said in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, Wednesday, February 15, as reported by Antara.

He said the addicts were generally addicted to narcotics of the type of methamphetamine with the age category of 10-14 years as many as three people; 15-19 years old 19 people; 20-44 years old 83 people; and 45-55 years old three people.

He explained that there were also addicts who underwent rehabilitation who came alone or were escorted by their families and referrals from the Directorate of Drug Investigation of the Southeast Sulawesi Police and the Narcotics Investigation Unit of the Regency/City Police in Southeast Sulawesi.

La Mala detailed 49 people who came alone or were escorted by their families, and escorted by three personnel from the North Konawe Police, 13 people from the South Konawe Police, 13 people from the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police, and one person from the Kadia Village community-based intervention (IBM), 15 people from the detention center, and eight people from the Father's reference.

He also mentioned that the types of substances that were abused by addicts were 91 people of methamphetamine, one person of marijuana, three people of synthetic narcotics, two people of benzodiazepin and five people of glue fox.

He emphasized that addicts undergoing rehabilitation will certainly be free and free from legal charges because they are guaranteed to be under Articles 54 and 55 of the Narcotics Law Number 35 of 2009, addicts must be rehabilitated.

According to him, rehabilitation is a strategy against drugs (war on drugs) through a soft power approach, namely ongoing rehabilitation activities provided to addicts and/or victims of drug abuse with a medical, social and post-rehabilitation approach in the care and hospitalization service settings.

La Mala explained that the purpose of rehabilitation is the achievement of the recovery process or abstinent, namely not using substances/drugs anymore, improving the quality of life and being able to function socially well in the community.

"Induction or addiction is a disease so it is only natural to get rehabilitation services, not in prison," explained La Mala.

According to him, rehabilitation is the best solution for addicts, so he urges addicts or victims of drug abuse as well as families or the public to dare to report so that they can be separated from these illicit goods.

"So there is no need to be afraid, confidentiality is guaranteed and will not be imprisoned, and free or all financing is borne by the state," said La Mala.