No Decrease In Export-Imports Due To Corona Virus From China

JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff (KSP) Moeldoko said that the export-import figures remained stable. Even though the Indonesian government has just decided to impose restrictions on imports of goods from China, amid the outbreak of the corona virus.

"What the public needs to know is that at the port there has been no decline in export and import, everything is still going well," said Moeldoko at the Bina Graha Building, Presidential Palace Complex, Jakarta, Thursday, February 6.

He said the government had indeed imposed import restrictions on live animals but other goods, such as electronics from China, were still allowed to enter. "For goods, machines, food, and others, it is permissible," he said.

In the same place, the Special Staff of the Minister of Transportation, Adita Irawati, reiterated that the import restrictions meant by the government were imports of live animals. So that there is no reduction in the number of cargo entering the port.

"No (there is a reduction) because cargo is not prohibited, except for live animals. Others are still running as usual," said Adita.

He also emphasized that prevention related to the corona virus is currently maximized at ports and there is a quarantine for incoming imported goods. "We are also collaborating with port health, KKP. So every time there is a suspect, the treatment must always enter quarantine. So we have maximized prevention," said the special staff of the Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi.

Previously reported, regarding the import restrictions, the Chinese government also reacted. The Chinese Ambassador (Ambassador), Xiao Qian, assessed that excessive measures such as import restrictions and cancellation of flights to and from his country were unnecessary despite the spread of the corona virus.

"We think that in this situation we have to be calm, there is no need to overreact (overreact) and have a negative impact on trade, investment and the movement of people," Xiao told reporters in Jakarta, Tuesday, February 4, adding that this excessive attitude was considered unnecessary. right, considering that there is no evidence that the corona virus can spread through imported goods.

So that in the future, the Indonesian government is asked to review the restriction policies that they have set. Given, it is not impossible that the effect of import restrictions and flight cancellations will actually make diplomatic relations between the two countries potentially negative.

"This action will harm trade relations between the two countries and will also have a negative impact on the relations between the two countries," he said.