Pinangku Claims To Get Joko Tjandra's Action Plan From Andi Irfan

JAKARTA - Attorney Pinangki Sirna Malasari said he received an action plan document related to Joko Tjandra from Andi Irfan Jaya. The action plan document was sent via the WhatsApp short message application.

Pinangki's statement was delivered in response to questions from the public prosecutor (JPU) during the examination hearing for the defendant. Prosecutor KMS Roni questioned prosecutor Pinangki's knowledge regarding the action plan related to Joko Tjandra.

"Are you familiar with the action plan or what do you call a power plan?" Asked KMS Roni at the Corruption Court, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, January 6.

Pinangki admitted that he did not know the details of the action plan. But he admitted that he received the action plan document from Andi Irfan Jaya around February 2020.

"In February I was forwarded, whether it was the same document or not I forgot by Andi Irfan it was forwarded to me in February," replied Pinangki.

Hearing this answer, KMS prosecutor Roni then reiterated the question regarding the time to receive the action plan. Pinangki again said that the document was actually obtained from Andi Irfan.

After the documents were received, Pinangki immediately sent them to Anita Kolopaking, who was once Joko Tjandra's lawyer. Pinangki admitted that he only found out that the document contained an action plan after Anita explained it.

"Anita said this (document) was said to be an action plan that Joko Tjandra rejected in December. So at that time we discussed the December rejection but I did not read the details," said Pinangki.

Attorney Pinangki was charged with three counts, namely the first charge of receiving a bribe of US $ 500,000 (around Rp7.4 billion) from the convicted Bank Bali cessie case Djoko Soegiarto Tjandra.

Second, the money laundering charges originating from the receipt of bribes amounting to 444,900 dollars or around Rp. 6,219,380,900.00 as money given by Djoko Tjandra for processing fatwas to the Supreme Court.

Third, Pinangki was charged with committing an evil conspiracy with Andi Irfan Jaya and Djoko Tjandra to bribe officials at the AGO and MA worth US $ 10 million.