Tipu-tipu Using Police Name Via Instagram, Housewife Raup Millions Of Rupiah

The Mataram City Police have arrested a housewife (IRT) with the initials SHY, who is suspected of carrying out a fraudulent act. The IRT from East Gegutu used the name of a police officer to smooth out his actions.

Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) of the Mataram Police, Kompol Kadek Adi Budi Astawa, explained that the IRT mode was revealed based on a complaint from one of the victims.

"Following up on the complaint, against the person concerned, we picked him up directly this afternoon at his house in the East Gegutu area," said Kadek in Mataram, NTB, Tuesday, February 14, as reported by Antara.

The mother of one child was picked up by the Mataram Police Puma Team, then led to the Mataram Police Satreskrim Treasure Unit (Harda) room.

From the SHY examination, it was revealed that the person concerned earned millions of rupiah in profit from the victim. The perpetrator got this advantage by posing as a policeman named Yudi Andreansyah on Instagram social media.

"So, this perpetrator used an Instagram account with Yudi Andreansyah's name and photo, who is actually a member of the Lampung Regional Police," he said.

With the Instagram account written @yudi.andreansyah, this perpetrator assured the victim that Yudi was the confidant of the Head of the Mataram Police Satreskrim.

"The way he made sure was by uploading photos of the activities of the Head of the Mataram Police Satreskrim," he said.

The victim, who claims to be a big fan of the Head of the Mataram Police Satreskrim Kompol Kadek Adi Budi Astawa, was also triggered by the perpetrator's mode.

"So, the perpetrator took advantage of this and started to build communication with the victim via DM (direct message) Instagram yudi.andreansyah," said Kadek.

After building communication for about 2 years through the Judi.andreansyah Instagram account, the perpetrator also asked the victim for money on behalf of the Head of the Mataram Police Satreskrim.

"This perpetrator asked for Rp. 16 million on the grounds that the Head of Satreskrim needed money, and was given directly by the victim via transfer periodically," he said.

To the police, SHY also admitted that the money he got from the victim at the end of 2022 had run out to cover debts at the bank and savings and loan cooperatives.

Furthermore, Kadek Adi said that this case had not yet entered the investigation stage. However, the handling of this case leads to alleged criminal violations of Article 378 of the Criminal Code concerning fraud.

"So, for this case, we are still waiting for the victim to make an official police report. If the report is already there, we will increase the case to the investigation stage which leads to alleged fraud," he concluded.