KPK Asks The Ministry Of Social Affairs To Correct Data On Cash Bansos Recipients

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) reminded about the accuracy of data on aid recipients in the implementation of social assistance programs (bansos), whose distribution is currently being changed in cash.

"The KPK is still finding the main problem in organizing social assistance, namely the accuracy of data on aid recipients including the quality of data on aid recipients, data transparency, and data updating," said Acting KPK spokesman for prevention Ipi Maryati Kuding in a written statement to reporters quoted Wednesday, January 6 .

He said the KPK found Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) that did not match the Population Identification Number (NIK) data and were not updated. At least, in June 2020, there were 16 million DTKS that did not match the NIK at the Directorate General of Dukcapil.

"In addition, data on regular aid recipients such as PKH, BPNT, PBI-JK do not refer to DTKS," he said, adding that this condition has led a number of people in several regions to get social assistance that overlaps between regular social assistance and social assistance related to COVID-19.

The reason for the inaccuracy of the data, said Ipi, was based on the data collection process that was not regulated based on NIK from the start and resulted in overlapping. So, to improve the quality of data on aid recipients, the KPK encourages the matching of NIK and DTKS as a condition for distributing social assistance.

"KPK also recommended the Ministry of Social Affairs to improve the accuracy of DTKS, improve data management, including integrating all data on social assistance recipients during the pandemic in one database," he said.

Furthermore, the anti-graft commission hopes that the changes to the social assistance distribution scheme will close the loopholes for corruption.

"The KPK hopes that the improvement of the social assistance implementation scheme will increase the effectiveness of distribution that is more targeted and effective and closes the potential for fraud that could lead to criminal acts of corruption," said Ipi.

In addition, the KPK will also continue to monitor the implementation of social assistance in order to avoid corrupt practices such as the one previously ensnaring former Social Minister (Mensos) Juliari Peter Batubara. "We will continue to monitor the implementation of social assistance as one of the government programs in handling the COVID-19 pandemic and supporting national economic recovery," he explained.

"For this reason, the KPK will immediately coordinate with the Ministry of Social Affairs regarding the distribution of social assistance," added Ipi.

As previously reported, President Joko Widodo launched cash assistance throughout Indonesia at the State Palace on Monday, January 4. This assistance consists of three programs, namely the Family Hope Program (PKH), Basic Food Cards, and cash social assistance (bansos). The amount of this cash transfer varies.

The details of PKH funds for pregnant or postpartum mothers are IDR 250,000 per month, early age children 0-6 years IDR 250,000 per month, people with severe disabilities IDR 200,000 per month, and elderly IDR 200,000 per month, elementary school children's education IDR 75,000 / equivalent per month, IDR 125,000 per month for SMP / equivalent education, and IDR166,000 for SMA / equivalent education per month.

Funding assistance provided is for a maximum of 4 people in one beneficiary family. PKH is distributed once every three months, namely January, April, July and October.

Second, the basic food cards that are handed over in the form of cash food assistance, the value of the assistance is IDR 200,000 per month per family for one year.

Third, cash assistance worth IDR 300 thousand per month for four months for each family. Cash social assistance is given to people other than PKH recipients and the basic food cards.