Nadiem Makarim Focuses On PPPK Recruitment In 2021, This Is An Explanation Of The Scheme For A Number Of ASN Positions Including Teachers

JAKARTA - Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Nadiem Anwar Makarim said the focus of 2021 is the recruitment of government employee teachers with a work agreement (PPPK).

"The focus this year is the recruitment of honorary teachers up to a capacity of one million teachers (the number appointed is only those who pass the test) through the PPPK route," said Nadiem in Jakarta, Tuesday, January 6.

He added, the formation of CPNS teachers in the future will still exist, because the policy will be in line and complementary with the recruitment of PPPK teachers.

"We encourage honorary teachers and Teacher Professional Education graduates to apply to become PPPK teachers. Good performance as a PPPK teacher will later become an important consideration if the relevant PPPK teacher applies to become a CPNS," he added.

His party continues to fight for teachers to have the opportunity to clarify their status and improve their welfare.

Furthermore, the government through the State Civil Service Agency explains the government employee recruitment scheme with a Work Agreement (PPPK) for a number of positions in the state civil apparatus (ASN), including teachers in 2021.

"To boost bureaucratic productivity in public services, the government plans to recruit one million PPPK teachers in 2021 to meet the teacher shortages that occur in many regions," said Acting Head of the Bureau of Public Relations, Law and Cooperation of the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) Paryono in a written statement received in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Wednesday, January 6.

He said that honorary teachers, including teachers of honorary category 2 (ex-honorer K-2), are very open to registering and taking the selection examination to become PPPK teachers.

However, BKN also continues to coordinate with the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform and the Ministry of Education and Culture to continue to solicit input from various parties, as a basis for making policies, so that teachers can clarify their status and improve welfare.

Until now, the government did not rule out the possibility of continuing to open a limited formation of Civil Servant Candidates (CPNS) to ensure the continuity of education.

This has been announced by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) and will be the focus of BKN in 2021.

Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning ASN states that ASN (State Civil Apparatus) employees consist of Civil Servants (Civil Servants) and Government Employees with a Work Agreement / PPPK (Government Workers).

PNS and PPPK have equal positions, duties and responsibilities in public services.

The division of the work scheme is that civil servants are more focused on making decisions or policies through managerial positions, while PPPK focuses on improving the quality of public services and encouraging the acceleration of increased professionalism and performance of government agencies.

PPPK can also hold managerial positions at the Intermediate High Leadership Position (JPT) level, after obtaining permission from the President.

Referring to the ASN management system in developed countries, the PPPK scheme is applied to recruit professionals in certain positions.

In accordance with Presidential Regulation Number 38 of 2020, there are 147 functional positions that can be filled by PPPK, including Teacher Functional Positions.

The urgent need for PPPK appointments in teacher positions is due to complaints about the shortage of teachers and the unequal distribution of teachers in the regions.

For this reason, filling teacher positions using the PPPK scheme is considered appropriate, without reducing their rights as civil servants.

PPPK will receive income rights in the form of salaries and allowances with the same amount as PNS according to the level and group of positions.

Regulations regarding PPPK salaries and benefits are regulated in Presidential Regulation Number 98 of 2020 concerning PPPK Salaries and Allowances.

Paryono explained that the main difference between ASN with PNS and PPPK status, and the current pension system, lies in the pension guarantee.

However, it is possible for PPPK to obtain a pension through a fundamental change from a pay-as-you-go (defined benefit) pension scheme to be fully-funded (defined contribution).

With the changes in the pension and old-age insurance systems, there is no significant difference in welfare between PNS and PPPK.

The main target of bureaucratic reform as stipulated in the Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 81 of 2010 concerning the Grand Design of Bureaucratic Reforms for 2010-2025 is to improve the quality of public services to the public.

Thus, every program and activity is directed to support bureaucratic reform that can provide outcomes for improving the quality of services to the community.

For this reason, ASN as the main driver of the bureaucracy must be able to achieve an increase in the quality of these services.

The provision of teachers through the PPPK scheme has been studied since the beginning of 2020.

Regarding planning and procurement, coordination has been carried out between the PAN-RB Ministry, the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the State Civil Service Agency, and local governments.

The policy is considered to make teacher management easier and can significantly improve the quality of education services.

Regarding rights and protection, PPPKs still have the same rights as civil servants, such as the right to leave and the right to develop competencies.

In addition, PPPK also get old age insurance protection, health insurance, work accident insurance, and legal assistance such as that obtained by civil servants as stated in Article 22 and Article 106 of Law Number 5 Year 2014 and Article 75 PP No. 49 of 2018 concerning PPPK Management.

Another advantage of the PPPK system is that applicants are not bound by the maximum age limit of 35 years as applies to civil servants.

Someone, if they meet the specified requirements, can fill the PPPK position in the desired position.

With the recruitment plan through the PPPK scheme, a PPPK candidate does not have to pursue a career from below to apply for a Functional Position at the First level, then gradually become a Functional Position at the Young level and so on as is usually applied to PNS through an increase in position.

With this scheme, it is very possible that every Indonesian citizen who meets the requirements can apply for PPPK to immediately occupy a Junior-level position even an Intermediate-level position as needed in the Government.

Thus, the focus of attention from PPPK management will be more focused on developing the quality of PPPK through increasing competence, and not being preoccupied with personnel administration.