PSSI Candidate Chairman Doni Setiabudi Supports Separation Of League 1 And League 2 Operators

JAKARTA Prospective General Chairperson (Ketum) of the All-Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) Doni Setiabudi supports the separation of League 1 and League 2 operators. The discourse will be realized if it is elected in the election of the PSSI Ketum for the period 2023-2027.

Doni is one of the five candidates who will fight for the number 1 seat at PSSI which will be held at the Extraordinary Congress (KLB), February 16.

"In order for League 2 to run normally, there must be an operator separation between League 1 and League 2," he said at the National Football Causcus event to Build Nyali at PSSI at Spark Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, February 13, 2023.

The plan to separate Liga 2 operators has recently started to be discussed a lot. The most widely is when the competition can no longer continue after the tragedy of Kanjuruhan.

Doni said that this operator separation was necessary because it could boost the selling value of Liga 2. He believes that Liga 2 will not be suspended even though it separates itself from PT Liga Indonesia Baru (LIB).

"I believe the League 2 competition also has a selling value as long as the competition can run competitively," said the figure who was once the CEO of the Bandung Premier League.

The operatorial separation plan was previously stated by the general chairman candidate LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti. It is one of the seven mainstay programs of the Chairman of the Regional Representative Council.

As is known, the current League 2 competition has not yet run after the Kanjuruhan tragedy in October last year. In the executive committee meeting on January 12, the competition was officially stopped for various reasons.

It is planned that the competition will be continued by a new management after the KLB later according to the recommendations of the current management. This is the result of a meeting with representatives of League 2 clubs which took place at the Sultan Hotel on January 24.