26 Elementary School Students Allegedly Under Poisoning, Jasuke And Cilor Traders Were Secured By The Kudus Police

Kudus Police have arrested a trader with the initials WN (34) in connection with the case of 26 elementary school (SD) 2 Mejobo students suspected of having been poisoned.

The merchant sold jasuke ( Attorney General's Office, milk and cheese), macronies and eggs, and cilor (aci and eggs) in the Mejobo 2 Elementary School environment. The police have confiscated his merchandise.

Mejobo Police Chief AKP Cipto said the foreigner was detained for questioning. Based on the confession of the citizen, this is the first time selling at SD 2 Mejobo and recently selling the type of snacks at school.

Meanwhile, food samples that were suspected to trigger the poisoning of dozens of students were secured by officers for further examination.

"Until now, 10 students who have been taken to the Japanese Health Center have been allowed to go home," he said.

He appealed to parents to supervise their children's snacks, if necessary, bring supplies from the school. Meanwhile, supervision at school can be carried out by teachers.

"Food and drinks sold in the school canteen must also be ensured so that there are no snacks that contain harmful substances," he said.

Head of SD 2 Mejobo Sri Suanti revealed that students began complaining of nausea and dizziness heads at around 08.15 WIB, after attending the flag ceremony. A total of 26 students were suspected of being poisoned.

Then 10 students were rushed to the Japanese Health Center for treatment. However, at 11.30 WIB all students were allowed to go home for outpatient treatment.