5 How To Use Fluids From The Central Ear At Home
JAKARTA - Fluids from the middle ear (serous media autoitis) can be formed due to middle ear infections, allergies, sinus infections, viral infections, and even acid refluxes. This liquid can cause earaches and make it difficult to hear.
Fortunately, there are several things you can do to get the liquid out of your middle ear at home. Home remedies such as compresses using warm towels, inhaling steam, and techniques known as Valsava maneuvers can be used to relieve these ear problems.
Reporting from Very Well Health, Monday, February 13, here are five easy ways to remove fluid from the middle ear.
The liquid naturally flows from the middle ear to the throat through the tuba eustachius. But if there is an infection or irritation, the tube can swell. This causes the fluid to return to the middle ear. Opening your ears can help open the eustachious tube, thus allowing the fluid to flow down the throat. The easiest way to open your ears is to yawn, chew, or swallow food.
If you can't open your ears with the above technique, try the following method:
You should feel a little bit of pressure in your ears as you press. You may feel or hear a slight eruption as the tuba eustachius opens.
Inhalation of vapor through the nose is known to clean sinus. And because the eustachius tube is connected to a sinus cavity, vapor can also open a clogged tube and allow the liquid trapped in the middle ear to flow.
You can breathe steam using a mire or electrical device that converts water into steam and has a soft and flexible plastic mask that you can stick to your nose.
You can also fill a bowl or large pot with cooked water, cover the back of the head with a towel, lean in the bowl, and breathe through the nose.
Doctors often recommend gargling with salt water to help drain fluid from the ear. This can help in several different ways.
First, warm salt water helps calm and shrink the swollen tissue. This is a natural medicine for sore throat, which often accompanies earaches.
In addition, since eustachous tubes are connected to the back of the throat, gargling with salt water can help relieve swelling, allowing trapped fluids to flow down the throat.
Producing salt water to gargling is very easy to make. Add one tablespoon of salt into one cup of warm water. Stir and let the salt dissolve. Take salt water, cover the throat, and tilt your head back. garner for 30 seconds to one minute.
It seems counter-intuitive to add liquid to the ear when you try to get a liquid out, but this can help. You can get ear drops at the nearest pharmacy or make them yourself with ingredients such as distilled water, hydrogen peroxide, a mixture of alcohol and white vinegar, as well as a warming olive.