There Is No Motive For Rape, Judge Simpulkan Putri Candrawati Sakit Hati To Brigadier J

The panel of judges believes that there is no element of sexual harassment or rape in the series of alleged murder cases of Yosua alias Brigadier J.

From the various facts of the trial and the tools attached, the motive for the murder actually led to the hurt of Putri Candrawathi with the attitude or actions of Brigadier J.

"So the more appropriate motive according to the panel of judges was the act or attitude of the victim Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat, where the act or attitude of the victim Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat caused a very deep feeling of hurt towards Putri Candrawati," said Chairman Wahyu Iman Santosa during a trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Monday, February 13.

During the trial, Putri Candrawathi admitted that Brigadier J raped her at Magelang's house, on July 7.

However, there is not a single supporting fact to prove this confession, such as a visum et repertum.

So far, Putri only claims to have evidence of a psychological post-mortem that explains that she is experiencing stress and traumatic after being a victim of harassment.

Hanya, istri Ferdy Sambo itu menunjukkan hal yang bersimbang terbalik. Sebab, ia masih berada dalam satu mobil dengan Brigadir J saat pulang ke Jakarta dari Magelang.

"Based on the description of the considerations above the assembly, it does not obtain sufficient confidence that the victim Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat has sexually harassed or raped or more than that against Putri Candrawathi," he said.

Thus, the panel of judges decided to rule out the elements of sexual harassment. Then, focus on proving the alleged premeditated murder.

"So that such reasons should be put aside," said Judge Wahyu.

Meanwhile, Ferdy Sambo and Putri Candrawathi always said that Brigadier J had sexually harassed or raped at Magelang's house, on July 7.

In fact, that was emphasized by Ferdy Sambo as the motive behind the shooting that led to the death of Brigadier J.