Improve The Village Economy, Ministry Of PUPR Surgeon 2,658 Uninhabitable Houses In Aceh

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the Directorate General of Housing distributed the Self-Help Housing Stimulant Assistance (BSPS) program in North Aceh Regency, Aceh Province.

A total of 2,658 uninhabitable housing units (RTLH) have been dissected and their quality improved to become livable in 2022. This is done to improve the economy of the community in various remote villages.

"We distribute the BSPS program to the public in order to reduce social inequality, unemployment and create decent housing for people living in rural areas," said Director General of Housing at the Ministry of PUPR Iwan Suprijanto in his official statement, Monday, February 13.

Iwan said that the implementation of the BSPS program was carried out using a cash-intensive scheme to maintain people's purchasing power, by employing homeowners to build houses or residents around local villages.

"We allocated a BSPS Program budget worth Rp. 20 million per housing unit. The people who received the assistance received assistance for material costs of Rp. 17.5 million and a labor wage of Rp. 2.5 million," explained Iwan.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Sumatra Housing Provision Center I Teuku Faisal Riza stated that the allocation of the BSPS program in North Aceh Regency last year had spent a budget of up to IDR 53.4 billion.

"We hope that this year the number of uninhabitable houses can be even more and we will encourage collaboration from various parties to make this BSPS program a success," he said.

One of the recipients of the BSPS program, Rosmiati, admitted that she and her family had 15 years to live in a wooden house that was only a leafy house with only weathered walls. This causes the condition of the house to leak frequently and be humid, especially when it rains heavily.

However, his house is now more livable and has turned into a comfortable one after the BSPS program from the Ministry of PUPR. He was also very happy and hoped that the pro-people program could be continued.

"I am very grateful for the assistance of the BSPS Program provided by the government, especially the Ministry of PUPR. Now, our house is good and if it rains it won't leak anymore. If possible, assistance like this will continue, so it can be felt by other underprivileged residents," he added.