KKP Will Investigate The Issue Of Fake Fisheries Permits In Pantura

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) has confirmed that the case of falsifying business licensing documents in the field of fisheries on the North Coast (Pantura) of Java is thoroughly investigated, after the forger of documents previously designated as the People's Wanted List (DPO) was caught.

Director General of Marine and Fishery Resources Supervision Adin Nurawaluddin said the operation to arrest the suspect was successfully carried out by the KKP Fisheries Civil Servant Investigator (PPNS) and the Police Headquarters Mobile Investigation Unit (Satresmob) in Tegal.

"With the disclosure of the suspect, it is increasingly open on our way to thoroughly investigate the case of falsifying fishery licensing documents in Pantura," Adin said in a written statement, Monday, February 13.

Adin said that in revealing the suspect for falsifying fishery documents with the initials T, the operating team had identified, disguised, and profiled the suspect and his relatives for days through information technology support.

"The operation to arrest the suspect took seven days because the suspect was also indicated to be involved in a case of document fraud in other fields, so the suspect moved locations," he said.

In addition, Adin explained that the suspect apparently had many false identities, making it difficult for the team in the field to conduct searches. Even so, thanks to good synergy and collaboration with other law enforcers, the suspect was finally caught.

"Apresiasi kepada para penyidik KKP dan Polri yang telah bekerja keras dan bersinergi dalam penelusuran keberadaan tersangka, sehingga membuka jalan dalam pengusutan kasus pemalsuan dokumen perikanan di Pantura. Kami harapkan, koordinasi dan sinergi yang baik antara penegak hukum lainnya terus dilakukan hingga kasus ini selesai," ungkapnya.

Furthermore, said Adin, after the arrest, the suspect was detained and examined at the Pati Police with the status of a prisoner entrusted. "Currently, the handling of the suspect with the initials T has arrived at the submission of the case file (Phase I) from the investigator to the Public Prosecutor of the Pati District Attorney," he explained.

Kini, tersangka inisial T tersebut telah ditetapkan sebagai daftar Pencarian Orang (DPO) karena melarikan diri dari panggilan penyidik KKP saat kasus pemalsuan dan doubling perizinan usaha Kapal Inik Indonesia (KII) KM. Marga Rena-1 terungkap pada 8 September 2022.

Previously, Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono emphasized that supervision of marine and fishery resources was not only carried out during while fishing at sea, but also during before-fishing at the port.

Therefore, his party continues to encourage his staff to continue to oversee this case thoroughly, because it has harmed the state and disrupted data on potential fishery resources.