Exclusive, Vice Chairman Of The Press Council Muhamad Agung Dharmajaya Hopes Foreign Platform Hegemony Over Digital Advertising Cookies Reduced

The hegemony of foreign platforms over digital advertising cookies in Indonesia has been going on for a long time. According to the Deputy Chairman of the Press Council, Muhamad Agung Dharmajaya, this situation must be reduced. Through a Presidential Decree (Perpres) which is currently being prepared, it is hoped that this can be resolved. Thus there will be a fair balance of income for domestic press personnel.


At the peak event of commemorating the 2023 National Press Day in Medan, North Sumatra, President Jokowi gave a warning to all parties about this unfair condition. Currently, there is a huge gap between advertising revenue on foreign digital media platforms and local media.

"The sustainability of the conventional media industry is also facing serious challenges. I have heard a lot about this, that around 60 percent of advertising spending has been taken up by digital media, especially foreign platforms, this saddens us," Jokowi said in his remarks.

According to Muhammad Agung Dharmajaya, the pressure for balance and fairness in advertising revenue should be of concern to all parties. The goal is better income for the national media which will lead to the sustainability of the media industry in the country.

“We really want equality, now it's still not balanced. I want it to be fairer, about how much it is relative. We want our friends who do work in the press world to enjoy their hard work. So hopefully the dominance of several foreign platforms that have controlled digital advertising so far can be corrected and friends here can get their hard work fairly, the concept can be fairer," said Agung.

The proposal for balancing digital advertising revenue will be regulated in a Presidential Decree on Media Sustainability. This legal product will regulate the pattern of cooperation and relations between the media in Indonesia and the global platform, for the sake of an equitable press ecosystem.

Before the HPN 2023 peak event, the members of the Press Council met President Jokowi at the State Palace to discuss this Presidential Decree. And the President targets that discussions on the draft Presidential Decree can be completed within one month.

"Besides we have a draft, the government also has one. Later, we just need to synchronize the draft of the Press Council and that of the government. Hopefully, in two weeks the discussion can be completed, so President Jokowi can meet the target," said Muhamad Agung Dharmajaya to Edy Suherli, Savic Rabos, and Rifai from VOI who met him in the Gading Serpong area, Tangerang, recently. Here is the full excerpt.

The Presidential Decree on Media Sustainability, said Deputy Chairman of the Press Council, Muhamad Agung Dharmajaya, was targeted by President Jokowi to be completed within a month. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga VOI)

From President Jokowi's remarks at the peak of the HPN 2023 event yesterday, what did you underline?

Many things can be noted after President Jokowi gave his remarks at the highlight of the commemoration of the 2023 National Press Day which took place in Medan, North Sumatra, on February 9. The first is self-criticism for members of the press throughout Indonesia so they can work better, remain professional and comply with the code of ethics. The second is that the current state of our press industry is not doing well, and because of that, there must be improvements here and there. It is hoped that the continuity of the media in the future can be maintained even if it can be better.

We hope that the public's trust in the media will not be eroded even though many social media platforms are now emerging. The issue of hoaxes is also often associated with the media. Whereas for the mass media, based on Law No. 40 of 1999 concerning the Press, in processing news the process is long, until it is worthy of being presented as news. So if the source is from the mass media, there is very little chance that it will be a hoax. And even if that happens there is a mechanism for the community, institutions that feel aggrieved to express their right of reply.

One of the things emphasized by President Jokowi is freedom of the press. According to the President, freedom of the press in Indonesia has already happened, those who are not yet free are responsible, how do you see this reality?

So far, the 5W+1H problem has become a common thing. But we also emphasize 5W+1H+I (impact), President Jokowi packs it in responsible terms. So the existing freedom as mandated by Law No. 40 must be accompanied by responsibility. When making a news story, it must be really considered before it is distributed to the public. What impact will be caused after a news spread.

In the last two years the Press Council has received a significant increase in complaints. An average of 800 complaints are received per year. Of all the complaints, most were for online media. This can be a note so friends can be more careful. There are still friends who think that speed in conveying news is the main thing, later if the reason is wrong it can be corrected. This is what concerns us. Speed ​​is necessary but accuracy is just as important.

What is being done to overcome this situation?

Competency test is really needed so that friends in the press can be better. We give competency tests to media colleagues in all provinces. Indeed, the number is still limited. It is hoped that friends can further increase their competence. There are three categories; Young, Middle, and Primary for this competency. Because what we can do is limited, we encourage media colleagues to conduct competency tests independently.

In the political year, Deputy Chairman of the Press Council, Muhamad Agung Dharmajaya, members of the press, to be professional and adhere to the code of ethics. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga VOI)

Speaking of complaints, the other day the PDIP DPP complained to several media about reporting on the PDIP's 50th anniversary, how's the progress?

We have called the parties involved. There have been media representatives who have come, but not the editor, only represented by the legal division. We are still waiting for the editor to come. Referring to the Press Law because the output is news, this cannot enter the realm of crime or the ITE Law. The problem is ethics, if it doesn't end with the right of reply and internal correction. So it's still in progress for this PDIP complaint, just wait and see how it ends.

So far there has been an MoU between the Press Council and the National Police regarding disputes between members of the press and sources, some still don't understand, how do you see this?

Indeed, this MoU has not been socialized properly. There are still many people who feel aggrieved by media coverage and complain to the police. Even though this kind of problem is resolved in the Press Council. We continue to conduct socialization, so that more and more parties understand, especially within the Police and internal press friends. At the HPN 2023 event in Medan, socialization was also carried out.

President Jokowi emphasized that the Presidential Decree on Media Sustainability must be completed within a month, can this target be met?  

It's been a long process, more than two years. Yesterday was delayed due to the pandemic. The draft Presidential Decree already exists, it just needs to be finalized. This issue is ideally regulated in law, but the process does not take a moment, because of that Perpres was an option while the law has not materialized.

Besides we have a draft, the government also has one. Later, we just need to synchronize the draft of the Press Council and that of the government. Hopefully, in two weeks the discussion can be completed, so that it can meet the targets requested by President Jokowi.

In the concept of the Press Council, press issues must remain under the auspices of Law No. 40 of 1999 concerning the Press. We have references to this matter from Australia which also has a similar independent institution that oversees press matters. Whose institutions are and what is being done is in this Presidential Decree so that there is no debate after it is issued. We want equality and justice in the digital world, so far those who are strong get more. This is what we arrange. Then who takes care of it, B2B (business to business) directly or is there an arbiter? There isn't any yet. So so far the smart ones get a lot, while the not smart ones get a little. It's not fair.

What are the media categories in this draft Presidential Decree, what about new media?

What is regulated is the mass media, there are print media, electronic media and online media. The issue of new media (social media) is sexier, has more market share and is considered interesting. However, the social media account that was owned earlier should be linked to the existing mass media account, so it is the official account of the press media. When there is a legal issue you can find out where it is linked. If they are pure social media, they are not in the category of press media. When there are legal issues, Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, and the like don't want to take responsibility, everything is left to the content creator. But when the number of viewers goes up, they want to enjoy it too. One more thing that is interesting, on social media there is a comment column for the public to interact. If there is a comment that violates the law, who is responsible? It's also not set.

Regarding the issue of advertising cookies in digital media where 60 percent is taken over by foreign platforms, in the draft Presidential Decree, what is the expected ratio?

We really want equality, now it's still not balanced. I want it to be fairer, how much is relative. We want our friends who do work in the press world to enjoy their hard work. So hopefully the dominance of several foreign platforms that have controlled digital advertising so far can be corrected and friends here can get their hard work fairly, the concept can be more fair.

Learning from Australia's experience in implementing rules so that Google, Facebook, etc., must set aside profits for local media, was met with huge resistance. It is not impossible that this rule will also be rejected. How to deal with it?

Business interests should be accommodated from two parties. It just takes time to communicate between the parties so that there are no suspicions. Know which is our right and which is theirs. With the issuance of this Presidential Decree, the actual position has forced foreign platforms to reduce the hegemony of digital advertising cookies.

What else will be done for this Perpres?

We want to work quickly, the deadline is one month. We will hold a meeting with the Press Council constituents to seek input. Next week we have made preparations. It is hoped that before one month the position will be clear and can be signed by President Jokowi. Friends can do business, and foreign platforms can also carry out their activities but there is equality and fair distribution of benefits.

Is there an explicit sentence, for example, what percentage or how much rupiah is the distribution for media colleagues from Indonesia whose news appears on foreign platforms?

Referring to business principles, all parties will be accommodated, it's just that our sovereignty must also be upheld and justice can be upheld. When the interests of all parties can be accommodated, I think that's a solution. Hopefully what will be stipulated in this Presidential Decree can help. All this time, my friends have been waiting, but how can I scream, what's more, they are far from Jakarta. The situation and conditions are supportive at this time.

Entering the 2024 political year (Election) the role of the media has been asked by many parties to be neutral and fair, in your opinion how can the media be fair amid the strong influence of capital owners?

Reflecting on the previous elections, we still expect the press to continue to work professionally and adhere to the code of ethics. If there are friends who have personal alignments with a particular candidate, that's a choice. But if someone is involved as a candidate or a successful team for one of the candidates, it's best to leave the press institution. As long as he is a legislative candidate and the successful team cannot be involved in journalistic work.

Friends in the newsroom media must also have control, regardless of whether the media is owned by owners of capital who are also high-ranking political parties. Personally, he could have owned the media, but he could not say that the media was used by his party. If this is done, it will not only be the community but also the media that will suffer. When the public knows that the media is already affiliated with a political party, people will not read or watch the media. So friends, you have to be professional and protect the newsroom from political influence. We also ask the public to keep an eye on this. Please report to Bawaslu if there is an alleged violation in the news.

What are the penalties in case of violation?

The media will be asked to make corrections. But to the press, there are ethical sanctions. More about this sanction is the authority of Bawaslu.

Regarding a press that is child-friendly, disabled-friendly, and gender-free, what are the current developments?

Children, people with disability, and women have the same rights. In several activities, we encourage members of the press to be fair to them. Every year the Press Council holds a press freedom index which is made throughout Indonesia using the perception method. There was representation from each province, there were 12 expert informants who submitted questions related to the survey. There we also supervised the survey regarding reporting on children, disabilities, and gender. From year to year there are improvements but we must continue to encourage our press freedom index to continue to improve, from 77.8 up several percent. Hopefully, in the future, it will be even better.

This is Agung Dharmajaya's Tips for Maintaining Health

Sport is important, according to Muhammad Agung Dharmajaya it doesn't have to be expensive, just walking in the morning is enough. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga VOI)

Maintaining health is much better than cure. Muhamad Agung Dharmajaya was well aware of this, and before it was too late he took steps to anticipate. For the man who serves as Deputy Chair of the Press Council, one of the healthy tips he has adopted is exercise and maintaining a healthy diet.

No matter how busy he is trying to do sports. And for him there is no need for expensive sports, even cheap sports will do. The principle is to exercise and sweat.

“There are many efforts that can be done to maintain health by exercising. No need to be expensive, cheap ones are also okay. I try every day to go for a morning walk. You don't have to go all the way around the house,” said the man who started his career in 1996 in the management of telecommunications companies, magazine publishing companies, and the television and radio broadcasting industry.

Not only walking around the house in the morning, when going to places of activity, Agung also walks as much as possible. "If it's still possible, I also walk to the place of activity," he said.

When there is more time, he plays tennis in his housing complex. "Actually, I'm not really good at playing tennis. What's important is enough sweating," admits the man who completed his doctoral studies at Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto, Central Java in the Management Sciences study program.

Dietary habit

Diet was also a concern for Muhammad Agung Dharmajaya in maintaining his health. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga VOI)

Agung realized that as he got older, he had to limit his food intake and also set meal times. “In the past, I still dared to eat even though it was late. If guests or friends are invited to eat even though it's late at night, I'll just serve it. But now I have to obey the doctor's advice in matters of eating," he said.

Agung admitted that he had to limit certain foods that contain lots of fat, sugar, and carbohydrates. "It's forbidden, it's just recommended by doctors to limit intake so it doesn't accumulate and become a burden on the body," he explained.

During the past COVID-19 pandemic, he felt a change in himself. “I used to weigh around 75 or 76 kg. During the pandemic, my weight increased to over 80 kg. It feels a bit sluggish movement because of excess weight. Because of that, my target is to return it to its original weight as it was before the pandemic," said Agung, who serves as Head of the Law and Legislation Commission of the Press Council for the 2019-2022 period.


Even though he was busy, Muhammad Agung Dharmajaya still paid attention to his family. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga VOI)

Even though he is busy with various activities at the office and also at the Press Council, Agung still pays attention to his family. Family is everything for this man who is active as deputy secretary general of the Communication Forum for Sons and Daughters of Retired Officers and Sons and Daughters of TNI-Polri (KB FKPPI).

"We can be busy with various activities in the office or institution that we are devoted to. But caring for my family remains my priority. When there is time, like on weekends, I will maximize it with my family," he said.

But now that his only son is continuing his studies at a tertiary institution in Malang, he is using more and more sophisticated communication technology in maintaining attention with his family, especially his son. "Usually my wife and son video call or zoom meeting together to just say hello. If there is time we go to Malang. But it could also be my children who come here when they have holidays," said Agung who sits on the Supreme Press Council representing the Indonesian Local Television Association (ATVLI).


Every year he and his wife schedule a vacation at least twice for refreshing. “Usually our family and I visit tourist sites in Indonesia. If there is sustenance, then visit tourist objects in foreign countries," said Muhamad Agung Dharmajaya.

"We want equality, right now it's still not balanced. We want it to be fairer, about how much it is relative. We want friends who do work in the press world to enjoy their hard work. So hopefully the dominance of several foreign platforms that control digital advertising so far can be corrected and friends here can get their work done fairly, the concept can be fairer,"

Muhamad Agung Dharmajaya