The Government Claims To Have A Fast Corona Virus Detection Tool

JAKARTA - Indonesia claims to have a device capable of detecting the corona virus in a person's body. This was conveyed by the Chief of Presidential Staff (KSP) Moeldoko after holding a Ministerial Coordination Meeting at his office to discuss the spread of the corona virus.

"What is very important that Indonesia already has a tool to detect the corona virus. There is Prof. Amin who will convey Indonesia's ability to detect (the virus) if something happens," said Moeldoko at the Bina Graha Building, Presidential Palace Complex, Central Jakarta, Thursday, February 6.

Head of the Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology, Amin Soebandrio, who attended the meeting, explained that Indonesia's current technology is able to shorten the detection time of the corona virus.

The detection tool used is the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) which is able to directly detect the 2019-nCov virus or the novel coronavirus from Wuhan City, China. Previously, this virus was detected by PCR and Sequencing.

"Now (the detection of the corona virus) has taken a step with PCR but the primer is specifically for detecting the corona novel 19," said Amin.

Head of the Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology, Amin Soebandrio (Wardhany Tsa Tsia / VOI)

This detector, he said, was not placed at the airport but in a laboratory, especially at the Eijkman Institute. Because, to carry out this test, a sterile place is needed because the tool is quite sensitive.

"If, for example, we open the tube and then another virus enters, it can interfere, so it must be done in a special room or a special cupboard," he said.

The results of tests using this tool can be known within four to five hours after examining samples from people suspected of having the corona virus. This sample can be taken from nasal or throat fluids.

"So it's not the person but the sample. Meanwhile, the patient must be treated in a health facility," he said.

Meanwhile, for health detection at airports, Amin said Indonesia still uses a thermal scan or body temperature detector. So that those with high body temperature can immediately check further.