The 'profit' Owned By KIB If The Lyrics Of SOE Minister Erick Thohir Becomes A Vice President

JAKARTA - SOE Minister Erick Thohir is considered suitable to be a vice presidential candidate (cawapres) for the union of the Indonesian Coalition (KIB).

Director of the Political Literacy Desk Research and Consultation Institute (Polldesk) Faisal Riza assessed that Erick was able to bridge the communication between the three political parties in it.

According to Faisal, the figure of Erick as a potential candidate from non-party circles is ensured to strengthen the solid feelings of the three political parties as well as unravel the complexity of political communication.

"KIB consists of three parties now. That political communication will be complicated when party cadres are proposed," said Faisal Riza, Sunday, February 12.

Faisal continued, lately the figure of Erick has been getting more and more busy bringing the spotlight on the 2024 election vice presidential exchange. The Minister of SOEs was even able to go through the electability of famous names.

This practically made Erick increasingly approached by political parties, including three KIB members, namely the Golkar Party, the National Mandate Party (PAN), and the United Development Party (PPP).

According to Faisal, Erick's background allows him to appear with no interests. The image is said to be beneficial for Erick Thohir if he becomes promoted as a KIB vice presidential candidate.

Not only that, Faisal added, Erick's leadership and achievements have received recognition so that he appears in the upcoming election vice presidential exchange.

"If non-party is proposed like Erick Thohir who is professional, it is much lighter when discussed such as conducting political incentives, it can be agreed so that parties in the coalition do not feel abandoned," said Faisal.

As is known, Golkar has built a United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) with the National Mandate Party (PAN) and the United Development Party (PPP).

Meanwhile, PKB has established its position as a colleague of the Gerindra coalition in the Greater Indonesia Awakening Coalition (KIR).

Regarding this, Political Analyst and Executive Director of Algebra Strategic, Arifki Chaniago assessed that it is very likely that the two coalitions will merge into one.

He concluded that the assessment was after Airlangga and Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) held a meeting. However, he has the view that the two coalitions will experience a tug-of-war in determining the presidential and vice-presidential packages.

"It could be that the presidential candidates who appear are re-shuffled. Apart from the interests of each coalition, it is necessary to accommodate, the interests of each party will also make it difficult in determining the presidential and vice presidential candidates," Arifki told reporters, Saturday, February 11, 2023.

If this scenario does happen, Arfiki predicts that the coalition will become a tough competitor to the Change Coalition and PDIP which will be able to carry the presidential and vice presidential candidate packages alone.

KIB-KIR is also considered capable of making it difficult for Ganjar's position which is suspected to be carried by KIB if his party fails to be declared by his own party.