Microsoft Wants To 'Raise' Dead People In Chatbot

JAKARTA - Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has developed rapidly. In fact, Microsoft has reportedly filed an AI-based Chatbot patent that allows users to communicate with people who have died.

It sounds quite scary, how can people who have died return to communicate via chat messages or voice. But Microsoft thinks machine learning capabilities in AI are similar to humans in general, so they can convey various decisions based on processed information.

"Data ranging from images, sounds, posts on social media, electronic messages, written letters, and other things can be accessed. These data can be used to create a personality for a certain person," Ubergizmo quoted in a description of the patent filed by Microsoft, Tuesday 5. January.

Simply put, the AI technology-based chatbot will use digital data from a deceased person to create a new 'individual' with the same characteristics and behavior.

This means that if the Microsoft Chatbot is realized. The abandoned family can return to reminisce with loved ones who have passed away.

Although it may seem strange and awkward, this method also has the potential to be abused in the future. One of them is for identity theft from social media accounts.

Whatever the shortcomings, this chatbot made by Microsoft can at least be a means to let go of missing someone who has died. Microsoft itself has invested 25 million US dollars or IDR 362 billion for AI utilization projects in the last five years.

Various projects have been carried out ranging from detecting micro-movements of the face. Until translating it back in the form of voice or text messages on mobile devices.