Clashes Between The Two Youth Groups In Cilegon Using Mutual Sertices

Cilegon Police Patrol Unit managed to secure as many as 16 teenagers on Jalan Raya Merak-Suralaya Lingkungan Sabrang, Cilegon City who wanted to do a brawl. Pulomerak Police Chief Kompol Entang Cahyadi said the dozens of teenagers were arrested on Friday, February 10, at around 23.30 WIB.

Entang menjelaskan, bentrokan itu bermula dari salah satu kelompok remaja daerah Langon yang menantang remaja Lingkungan Sabrang Lebakgede untuk melakukan perangkat sarong. Kemudian, lanjutnya, disepak oleh keduanya yang akan melakukan perangkat sarong pada malam hari di pinggir Jalan Raya Merak-Suralaya.

"When both parties approached and would carry out clashes, residents immediately dispersed their actions. Responding quickly to reports from residents, the Pulomerak Police Patrol Unit secured the teenagers to get coaching," he said.

The evidence that was secured at that time was in the form of dozens of sarongs that had been wrapped and tied, a Honda Vario Nopol A 4735 CN motorcycle, and a bottle of Ciu liquor.

Entang said, these 16 teenagers made a statement not to repeat their actions and return them to their parents and witnessed by their school teachers.

"We urge parents to supervise their sons and daughters not to get involved or become victims of abuse. Make sure at 21.00 p.m. your sons and daughters are already at home. If the public is aware of any criminal acts or activities that disturb the community, immediately the closest Polsek relationship," he concluded.