Go Crazy, The Entire Island Of Batam Is Back In The Red Zone

JAKARTA - All sub-districts on Batam Island, the main island in Batam City, have returned to the red zone for COVID-19, along with the increasing number of residents who tested positive for the new type of corona virus.

The Batam City COVID-19 Handling Task Force recorded an additional 27 positive people, bringing the total to 5,075 people.

Among the additions, three of whom are residents of Sei Beduk District. With this addition, Sei Beduk District, which on Monday, January 4, was a pink zone with 20 people still being treated, has now become 23 patients and is in the red zone category.

Eight sub-districts on the other main island are also in the red zone, namely Batuampar with 28 people still under treatment, Sekupang with 97 people, Batuaji with 40 people, Sagulung with 35 people, Bengkong with 21 people, Lubuk Baja with 44 people, Nongsa with 26 people , and Batam City with 137 people.

Meanwhile ,akangpadang sub-district, which is a buffer island sub-district, has a yellow zone with four people still being treated and two other buffer districts, Galang and Bulang, are now in the green zone, with no one still being treated for COVID-19.

Batam City COVID-19 Task Force Head of Health Didi Kusmarjadi stated that his party recorded 18 additional recoveries from exposure to the corona virus, bringing the total to 4,487 people.

In addition, there was an additional person who died, bringing the number to 133 people. "A total of 455 people are currently being treated," said Didi as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, January 5

Meanwhile, of the additional 27 people who tested positive for COVID-19, 13 of them were symptomatic confirmation, 13 were asymptomatic confirmations, and one confirmed contact with previous patients.

Until now, the Batam City COVID-19 Handling Task Force has examined 21,809 RT PCRs, with results of 16,663 negative and 5,075 others positive, while 101 other samples are still in process.