Blusukan Risma Should Be Appreciated, Because It Is Good For DKI Jakarta Residents

JAKARTA - Chairman of the DPP PKS Mardani Ali Sera appreciated the blusukan work carried out by the Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos), Tri Rismaharani. According to him, this step is actually good for the DKI Jakarta public.

"Of course, all ministers who work need to be appreciated. Mrs. Risma if it is already good. It's really good for the citizens of DKI," Mardani explained when contacted by VOI, Tuesday, January 5.

However, Mardani reminded Risma that he was appointed as Minister of Social Indonesia, not DKI Jakarta. For that, to be fair, Risma needs to go to all parts of Indonesia.

"I am sure I will go to other regions too," said this member of Commission II of the DPR RI.

Mardani also asked the public not to be noisy in responding to Risma's performance so far, including other ministers who were recently appointed by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). They need to be given the opportunity to work optimally after being appointed.

"Give all ministers a chance, we will just value 100 work days together," he explained.

As a new minister, there are three strategic things that the former Surabaya mayor needs to do. First, coordination in completing Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) starting from the criteria to the updating pattern. Often, due to missing data, many residents who should have received assistance were not registered.

"Second, create a channeling mechanism that is humane and effective. No more queues, no more corruption and no longer used as a tool of politicization. Make sure everything is connected to banks," explained Mardani.

Finally, create a sharp, continuous and transparent evaluation mechanism.