Intention To Mancing, Fishermen In Jailolo North Maluku In Fact Hanyut In Sea 2 Hours

TERNATE - West Halmahera Police (Halbar), North Maluku (Malut) through the Sector Police (Kapolsek), Jailolo, stated the identity of the victim who was swept away and had gone viral while being carried away by the current in the waters of Jailolo, known as Safi (35 years old), a resident from Tauro Village.

"The incident occurred last Friday when the victim went to sea to fish in Jailolo waters, then at around 12.00 WIT in the afternoon the victim left for Hiri Island, Ternate City, to look for fish, but the catatinting boat he was traveling in was hit by high waves," said the Halbar Police Chief, through the Jailolo Police Chief, Iptu Karmawan when quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, February 11.

As a result, the victim fell into the sea while the catatinting boat engine was alive, so the victim and the catatinting boat were separated.

The police chief explained that the victim then washed away and was adrift on the sea for more than two hours, fortunately there was a speedboat on the Dufa-Dufa Port route, Ternate to Jailolo Harbor which crossed the waters and the speedboat who saw the victim immediately rescued him.

"When the captain evacuated up, the victim's body was weak and fainted, so the identity of the victim was unknown, but the victim was taken to Jailolo Harbor and then rushed to Jailolo Hospital for medical assistance," he said.

Currently, said Chief of Police Jailolo, the victim's condition has improved, so the identity of the victim is known that he is a resident of Tauro Village, Jailolo District.

The police chief advised the people in the area, if later at sea they must bring family members or friends, so that if something happens, they can help and report it.

"We appeal to the public and motorists to pay attention to weather factors when sailing or going to sea, so that safety is a priority, because currently the waters of Ternate City and West Halmahera Regency, according to the local BMKG weather forecast, there are still strong winds accompanied by high waves," he added.

Earlier, this week, a passenger on the Uki Raya 04 motorboat with the initials JMW plunged into the sea about 20 minutes after KM Uki Raya 04 left Ahmad Yani Ternate Harbor, North Maluku to Manado Harbor, North Sulawesi Province.

Head of the Steering Safety and Patrol Section, Office of Harbormaster and Port Authority (KSOP) said the victim's condition improved after being taken to the TNI AD Hospital.

He explained that the victim allegedly attempted suicide by jumping into the sea and has now been conveyed to the police to carry out an investigation.

He said, according to the identity of the victim JE in the form of an identification card, the victim was a female, a Civil Servant who worked at the Tax Office in North Sulawesi and came from Manado City.

As is known, the victim of JMW, a passenger on the Uki Raya 04 motorboat, plunged into the sea about 20 minutes after the ship left Ahmad Yani Port in Ternate City during a voyage to Manado Port, Tuesday, February 7 afternoon at around 17.20 Wit.

The other passengers saw the victim who jumped into the sea, precisely in the waters between Ternate Island and Maitara Island, Tidore Islands City, immediately reported it to the ship's captain and then two crew members (ABK) immediately rescued the victim.

The victim was evacuated to a long fishing boat that crossed the waters at the time of the incident.