Don't LET Your Game Be A Game, A Hazard For Physical And Mental Health

Playing games and gadgets for a long time can lead to addiction because it creates pleasure. Limit yourself from enjoying games or using gadgets so as not to cause addiction.

"The use of gadgets or games, if not followed by the ability to manage thoughts, criticism, and self-awareness and management, will have a lot of influence on psychology," said Psychologist from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Novi Poespita Candra, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, February 11.

He explained that games on devices can create the hormone of happiness, including Dopamine which arises due to targets and challenges in playing games, so that it feels fun.

Oxytocin hormones also play a role in creating feelings of feeling accepted at any level while playing games.

Then the hormone serotonin which plays an important role in improving the mood to be better, so that a person becomes happy and meaningful when playing games.

Furthermore, endorphin hormones create feelings of happiness and joy after carrying out certain activities, especially games.

According to him, the hormone of happiness causes a person's body to naturally want to play games continuously.

If the use of gadgets or games is not limited, it will have an impact on physical and mental health.

"Some research has found that addiction to gadgets and games affects low socialization and communication skills, low empathy and the ability to solve real problems," he said.

Furthermore, Novi said, in certain phases, someone who is indicated to be addicted to games also has the potential to experience stress and depression due to identity confusion. This is usually experienced by children and adolescents.

"It is better to increase socialization and physical or sports activities so that they still have the motivation to do other things," he said.

As is known, addiction to gadgets or games has had a bad impact on society.

Most recently, viral on social media a father in Manado, North Sulawesi abused his seven-month-old baby because he felt disturbed while playing the online game Mobile Legend.

To the police, the perpetrator admitted that he was emotional when he lost playing and heard the baby crying. The baby was hit in the head and mouth using his hands until he stopped crying, then unconscious until he died.