Winky Wiryawan's Story About His Friend's Lover Who Becomes A PSK

JAKARTA - Winky Wiryawan and Wulan Guritno were lined up to be the main characters in the latest series Vidio, Open BO. The series is inspired by the phenomenon of online prostitution in Indonesia.

Winky plays Jaka, an FTV writer with the theme of punishment who suddenly enters the world of online prostitution to do research. Jaka then met a Commercial Sex Worker (PSK) named Ambar, played by Wulan Guritno.

Talking about sex workers, Winky has a unique experience. Often in the world of the night because of his work as a DJ (disc jockey), he accidentally met a prostitute whom he turned out to know.

The incident occurred when Winky was invited to appear in a private party in an area in Jakarta. After appearing, he saw several women who came into the room where he was resting.

Then there are 5 girls in the room. One of them is a girl, my friend. That's me and my friends, when I saw, 'oh, this is not A'," said Winky Wiryawan when met at SCBD, South Jakarta on Friday, February 10, 2023.

Even though he couldn't believe it, Winky was sure that one of the women was his friend's lover when he really saw him up close.

After the woman realized Winky's whereabouts, the woman came over to him. "He said, 'I want to talk to you'. He invited him to a room like that, when he arrived, he cried, he said, 'You don't tell D the guy'. I told him, 'I understand'," said Winky.

At that time his friend's lover told him that he really needed money for his mother's medical expenses. "I know, his mother is very sick in Central Java, I used to know, and his guy always vented, sorry, but yes his guy doesn't have money either," said Winky.

Because of this, Winky understands the condition experienced by his friend's lover. Until now, Winky admits that he still keeps it a secret from his friends, as well as those closest to him.

Meanwhile, Wulan also talked about her opinion on prostitutes so far. The mother of SALom Razade assesses that everyone has their own business and reasons for her life choices.

Wulan chooses not to judge someone for what he sees only from the outside. "Actually, I never have any views that judge anyone, everyone has their own choices. My life is complicated, why take care of people's lives. That means, I have three children, work that requires concentration, I have a boyfriend, there are father and mother, already, I don't think about thinking about other people," he concluded.