PLN Prevents Blackout 2019 Recurrently This Way

JAKARTA - President Director of PT PLN (Persero) Darmawan Prasodjo revealed, after the blackout incident in August 2019, PLN had added two transmission lines from east to west of Java, so initially there were 4 lanes to 6 lanes.

In addition, PLN also monitors electricity assets end to end, so that every infrastructure is ensured to be in a very prime condition.

"With this improvement, Indonesia's electrical interconnection system is becoming stronger with layered security," Darmawan explained in a Hearing Meeting with Commission VII DPR RI which was quoted as saying on Saturday, February 11.

In the last 3 years, he continued, through a transformation program, PLN has implemented anti-blackout breakthroughs in all electrical systems in Indonesia. All generators, transmissions and distributions, which were previously managed separately, have now been converted into digital and integrated, both in monitoring and operating. Thus, every electrical system anomaly, immediately detected and activated blackout prevention very quickly.

Member of Commission VII DPR RI, Sartono Hutomo, appreciates PLN's positive performance in 2022. He hopes that in 2023 PLN will be able to re-recompose the history of positive achievements.

"Talking about PLN's strategic program in 2023 and the realization of performance in 2022, if we succeed, we will give appreciation, which we have not boosted so that the realization of this achievement can be achieved," concluded Sartono.