KKB Terbar Teror, 25 Residents Of Paro District 'Go Away'

JAKARTA - The evacuation process following the terror action of the armed criminal group (KKB) continues. It is recorded that 25 people have been evacuated from Paro District, Nduga, Papua.

"The total number of residents who were successfully evacuated was 25," said Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo in his statement, Saturday, February 11.

Of the dozens of people, they are residents of Paro District. They decided to leave the place where they were left for fear of being targeted by the separatist group.

The evacuation process was carried out by members of the TNI-Polri. They were taken to the Kenyam area.

"Dozens of people were evacuated by members of the TNI-Polri. For 12 of them 8 adults and 4 children were evacuated using police Bell," he said.

"Meanwhile, 13 of them 6 adults and 7 children were evacuated using Bell belonging to the Indonesian Army," continued Benny.

On the other hand, regarding the search for the Susi Air pilot, Captain Philips Marthen is still being carried out. Mapping until looking for information on his whereabouts is continuously carried out.

"We ask for the support and prayers of the community so that residents and pilots can be successfully evacuated safely by the TNI-Polri Joint Team," said Benny.

Previously, 15 construction workers had also been evacuated. They had been terrorized because they were considered spies from the TNI and the State Intelligence Agency (BIN).

They were also successfully evacuated by Damai Cartenz Operation personnel consisting of the TNI-Polri were taken to Timika. Currently, they are in Timika.