Moeldoko Invites The Community Around IKN Nusantara Preparedness

KALTIM - Presidential Chief of Staff Dr. Moeldoko invites indigenous peoples around the location of the national capital city (IKN) of the archipelago to start preparing to face the relocation of the nation's capital city to East Kalimantan. He emphasized the importance of increasing the ability and competence of human resources through various labor trainings.

In the future, there will be many new opportunities. Follow various labor certifications, and create products that are needed by residents in IKN later. So from now on, prepare yourself well," said Moeldoko after meeting traditional community leaders from Dayak Paser, Balik, and Banjar, in East Kalimantan, Jumat (10/2).

Moeldoko emphasized that moving the nation's capital from Jakarta to East Kalimantan was not just a physical transfer. However, realizing development with a sensitive, fair, equitable, and completely new work culture approach.

He also ensured that the development and relocation of the nation's capital could be a lever for economic growth in the IKN area and the buffer zone.

"Obviously the government has never left the indigenous and surrounding communities. Instead, the government encourages people to be involved in IKN development," he said.

As for land issues, Moeldoko said, the government already has systems and procedures for land acquisition through independent appraisals and the Public Appraisal Service Office (KJPP).

Regarding land prices, it is not the domain of authority of the director general in one ministry. But what is clear is that the government already has a way to land acquisition so that it can be resolved quickly, fairly, and in accordance with the rules," concluded Moeldoko.

In the meeting which was held at the house of the North Penajam Paser Regent, traditional community leaders raised a number of issues. Among them are the strengthening of the community's economy, increasing the education of the younger generation, community involvement in the development of IKN, and the amount of land compensation which is still polemic.

In addition to traditional community leaders, the one-hour meeting was also attended by the Forkopimda of North Penajam Paser district as well as representatives from the IKN Authority and the East Kalimantan Forest Area Development Center (BPKH).