Singapore Believes All Its Citizens Will Be Completed With Covid-19 Vaccination By The End Of 2021

JAKARTA - Singapore is targeting the COVID-19 vaccination process in its country to be completed within one year. The vaccines to be used in Singapore are the Pfizer, Moderna and Sinovac vaccines.

The Indonesian Ambassador to Singapore, Suryopratomo, said that the Singapore government is confident that 5.6 million of its citizens will have been vaccinated against COVID-19 by the end of 2021.

Indonesian citizens are prioritized in vaccination. After that, Singapore will inject vaccines into foreigners who have lived there for a long time.

"It takes 1 year for Singapore with a very small population. Vaccination against 5.6 million Singaporeans, including foreigners who have lived for a long time, such as a diploma, at the end of 2021, they will get vaccinated," said Tomo in discussion broadcast on YouTube BNPB Indonesia, Tuesday, January 5.

Tomo said that the response of residents to the vaccination preparation in Singapore was different from Indonesia. In Singapore there are no ceremonies or conferences when vaccines are delivered.

Because, currently Singapore has succeeded in reducing the number of COVID-19 transmission. As of January 4, the total number of cases in Singapore was 58,721. Then, 58,497 cases recovered. Then, the total death was 29 cases.

"Here, something is normal, because now Singapore is faced with a very low transmission rate and almost no transmission rate occurring in the community," said Tomo.

On this occasion, Tomo also mentioned that Singapore has a special Pfizer vaccine storage area that is able to maintain temperatures down to minus 70 degrees Celsius.

"Not all countries in Asia have this facility. Singapore offers itself, for Asian countries that use Pfizer products, it can be stored in Singapore. They allow them to help distribute if necessary," he explained.