Olivia's Dream Of Having A Latest Laptop After Answering Ganjar Pranowo's Question

JAKARTA - Olivia Marbun, a student of SMAN 1 Percut Sei Tuan, Deli Serdang, is happy that her prayer for a laptop has come true after answering a question from Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo. For this girl from Medan Tembung, the laptop spurred her enthusiasm to study at the Undip International Relations Department.

That afternoon, Olivia and her school friends were assigned to attend the National Press Day (HPN) celebration at the Atsaka Multipurpose Building. Originally, he was about to hurry home after the event.

However, after the event he and his entourage took the time to see Ganjar Pranowo who is also the General Chair of Persada.id having a dialogue, at the Deli Serdang Regency stand. During the dialogue, Ganjar asked volunteers from the younger generation to come forward and participate in talking about the press in the eyes of Generation Z.

Without thinking, Olivia raised her high hand and pushed forward among the crowd.

Talking to the number one person in Central Java, Olivia initially looked awkward. But afterwards, he loudly answered Ganjar's question about the press in the era of information disruption.

Like reading online media, because print is more expensive. If print, you have to go far to the store first. If it's online, it's easy and fast, when asked how he consumes media information by Ganjar.

In addition, he hopes that the current media can provide factual news and be useful for residents. For this courage, Ganjar offered Olivia three choices of gifts.

"Do you want books, books or bicycles? Bicycles or laptops," said Ganjar, Friday, February 10.

Having been indecisive, and changing the choice of Olivia's gift was finally solid with the choice of a laptop.

"This will be the laptop to continue studying at Undip. I want it to be in International Relations," he hoped.

After getting a laptop, Olivia then went home. Intentionally, he did not tell his parents and family about the gift.

In his simple home, there is only Bou (tante). Meanwhile, his father who works as a motorized fry driver (motorized bedbek) has not returned, as well as his mother who is meeting relatives outside the house.

Bou Padang, the aunt's nickname, said that her nephew had asked her mother for a laptop for several days. Because Olivia has received an invitation line from school to be able to continue her studies.

"Blessed by God, God hears. Three days ago he had an invitation line, right? Hopefully so," concluded Bou Padang.