BEM UI Protests About FPI Disbandment Inconsistent With The Government

JAKARTA - The government officially disbanded the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) community organization (Ormas) and banned all activities in the name of FPI. This step had created a polemic in the community.

One of them is the Indonesian Student Executive Board (BEM UI). In the official statement, BEM UI seemed to defend FPI and blamed the government for this move.

Even BEM UI protested against this prohibition measure. They considered that the basis for the decision to ban mass organizations did not reflect Indonesia as a rule of law as emphasized in Article 1 Paragraph (3) of the NRI Constitution and Law Number 17 of 2003 concerning Ormas.

The dissolution of FPI is stipulated through a Joint Decree (SKB) concerning Prohibition of Activities, Use of Symbols and Attributes and Termination of FPI Activities. As stated in Number 220-4780 Year 2020, Number M.HH-14. HH.05.05 Year 2020, Number 690 Year 2020, Number 264 Year 2020, Number KB / 3 / XII / 2020 and Number 320 Year 2020.

In principle, the basis for the dissolution of FPI has eliminated the judicial mechanism in the process of dissolving mass organizations. "We urge the state to revoke the decree on the prohibition of activities, the use of symbols and attributes and the termination of FPI activities." said the demands of BEM UI through the release received by VOI.

BEM UI also condemns all acts of dissolving mass organizations by the state without a judicial process regulated in the Ormas Law. This is a serious violation in eradicating democracy and an attempt to injure human rights as part of the rule of law principle.

"We urge the state, in this case the government, not to use repressive and arbitrary methods in the future."

The public is also encouraged to oversee the implementation of rule of law principles, especially protection of human rights and guarantee of democracy by the state.

This view is different from the government. The government's move to prohibit FPI based on Law Number 16 of 2017 concerning Community Organizations (Ormas) is intended to maintain the existence of the country's basic ideology and consensus, namely Pancasila, UUD 1945, the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia, and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.

Then, FPI's articles of association were declared contradicting Article 2 of the Ormas Law. Then, Minister of Home Affairs Decree Number 01-00-00 / 010 / D.III.4 / VI / 2014 dated June 20, 2014 concerning FPI's Registered Certificate (SKT) as a mass organization is valid until June 20, 2019 and until now it has not fulfilled the requirements to extend SKT.

Furthermore, social organizations may not conflict with Article 5 letter g, Article 6 letter f, Article 21 letters b and d, Article 59 Paragraph (3) letters a, c, and d, Article 59 Paragraph (4) letter c, and Article 82A Ormas Law.

In addition, according to the data, 35 FPI officials and / or members have been involved in criminal acts of terrorism. Of this figure, 29 of them have been convicted.

And finally, there has been a violation of legal provisions by FPI officials and / or members who often carry out various raids or sweeps in the community. In fact, this activity is the duty and authority of law enforcement officials.