Tax Evaders In Banjarmasin Pay A Fine Of Rp. 1 M, Direct Suspect Status Removed

The Banjarmasin District Attorney's Office (Kejari) carried out the execution of the paid tax payment and a fine of Rp. 1,388,480,090 from a tax suspect with the initials KS.

"Detailed tax principal arrears of Rp. 372,802,255 and a maximum fine of Rp. 1,015,678,635," said Head of the Banjarmasin District Attorney's Office (Kejari), Indah Laila, in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan (Kalsel), Thursday, February 9, confiscated by Antara.

For this payment, the suspect's case was terminated and free by law by adhering to the principle of criminal acts in the field of taxation, including criminal acts in the field of administrative law.

"So law enforcement is flexible, meaning that as long as the objective of the law is achieved, namely taxpayers want to pay taxes according to their obligations," said Indah accompanied by the Head of Special Investigation Unit of the Banjarmasin Kejari, Arri Ukas.

Previously, the suspect KS had been handed over (phase II) by the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) through the South and Central Kalimantan Regional Office (Kanwil DJP Kalselteng) to the Banjarmasin Kejari on February 1, 2023, and immediately detained at the Class IIA Banjarmasin Penitentiary.

Suspect KS through CV AWN is suspected of having deliberately submitted a VAT Period Notification Letter (SPT Masa VAT) and information whose contents were incorrect or incomplete and did not deposit taxes from buying and selling goods in the form of heavy equipment that had been cut or collected from January 2018 to December 2018.

The mode is to report the VAT Period SPT regularly with zero status and pay more compensation in order to avoid late reporting fines, and aim to delay payments and not pay Value Added Tax (VAT) that should be paid to the state treasury.

For the suspect's actions, it caused losses to state revenues from the taxation sector, which was estimated at IDR 372.8 million.

He was also charged with Article 39 Paragraph (1) letter d and letter l of Law Number 7 of 2021 concerning Tax Harmonization.

Head of the Investigation, Collection, Intelligence and Investigation (P2IP) of the Central Kalimantan DGT Regional Office, Budi Susila, expressed his gratitude to the Banjarmasin Kejari for the completion of the case until it was declared closed as the suspect paid the tax and fines.

Budi hopes that the case will be a lesson for other taxpayers to obey the reporting and payment of taxes, which tax funds will be used through the state budget for development financing.

"Our goal here is to increase taxpayer compliance, for those who are naughty, of course we will process it to court," he said accompanied by Tax Investigator Riska Anwar.