The Ministry Of Environment And Forestry Puji Puji Keberadaan Hutan Bengkulu Yang Punya Peran Perluan Penurunan Emisi Gas
JAKARTA - The Directorate General of Forest Management Lestari, Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), Agus Jurianto, acknowledged that the existence of forests in Bengkulu had a major influence on reducing gas emissions.
Bengkulu Province is involved in efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This is because there, it has 44 percent of forest areas that have a major impact on reducing gas emissions. The government targets that by 2030 greenhouse gas emissions will reach 0 percent.
"We will see, especially the forestry sector, how to accelerate the completion of spatial planning because it will have an impact on our efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. There have been calculations of its targets, which are detailed, including in Bengkulu Province," Agus said in Bengkulu City, Thursday, February 9. With this forest potential, Bengkulu has a vital role in the Indonesian sub-national program's Forestry and Others Land Use or Folu Met Sink which focuses on reducing emission gas to zero percent. the distribution of greenhouse gas emissions, so it can be ascertained that Bengkulu is ready to contribute to achieving the target by 2030 free greenhouse gas emission.
"We want to get economic and social benefits with the existence of forests in Bengkulu. Then, create a safe, comfortable and healthy environment for the community," he said. In an effort to reduce emissions, it can provide social benefits to the community because they can create a comfortable and healthy environment.