6 Police Generals Appointed KPK Structural Office

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri appointed 38 officials and six of them came from the police with the rank of general.

The inauguration took place at the Red and White KPK building, Jalan Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta on Tuesday, January 5. There were also six people who were appointed and entered into the strategic position structure, namely Inspector General Karyoto as Deputy for Corruption Eradication and Execution.

Subsequently, Brigadier General Didik Agung Widjarnako, Brigadier General Yudhiawan, and Brigadier General Bahtiar Ujang Purnama were appointed respectively as the Coordinating Director for Supervision I, II, and III of the KPK. Then Brigadier General Kumbul Kuswidjanto Sudjadi was appointed as Director of Community Participation Development for KPK and Brigadier General Agung Yudha Wibowo as Director of KPK Monitoring.

After the inauguration process was completed, in his remarks, Firli explained the four visions of the KPK, namely eradicating corruption through prevention by improving the system; take prevention through public education; eradicating corruption through a firm and professional approach to prosecution for the sake of upholding the law and implementing government and government programs.

"Then fourth, we are both committed to building a KPK with integrity, accountability, transparency and a trustworthy KPK," said Firli when giving directions after inaugurating KPK officials.

Inauguration of KPK structural staff (Wardhany Tsa Tsia / VOI)

Firli said the public wanted Indonesia to be a corruption-free country. Thus, this structural change must be carried out in order to carry out their main duties, namely preventing corruption, coordinating with other ministries and institutions, carrying out monitoring, supervision, carrying out corruption action, and implementing judges' decisions that have permanent legal force.

"To carry out this main task, KPK has to adjust itself, aligning its correlation with the main tasks that will be faced and hopefully we can answer the demands of the community," he said.

"Therefore, we hope that starting today we will all join forces to strengthen all our resources to answer the challenges and demands of a corruption-free society. Hopefully what we do will contribute greatly to the journey of society, nation and state," he said.

The following are the names of KPK officials who were sworn in today:

A. Senior High Leaders

Pahala Nainggolan, Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring Karyoto, Deputy for Enforcement and Execution Heri Nuryanto, Deputy for Coordination and Supervision

B. Primary High Leaders

Subroto, Inspector Eko Marjono, Director of Corruption Detection and Analysis Ricky Arif Gunawan, Director of Information Management Tommy Murtono, Director of Public Complaints and Reports, Didik Agung Widjanarko, Director of Coordination and Supervision I Yudhiawan Director of Coordination and Supervision II Bahtiar Ujang Purnama, Director of Coordination and Supervision III Asep Rahmat Suwanda, Director of Coordination and Supervision IV Budi Waluya, Director of Coordination and Supervision V Aminudin, Director of Anti-Corruption of Business Entity Agung Yudha Wibowo, Director of Monitoring Aida Ratna Zulaikha, Director of Education Network Pumbul Husniyanto Sujadi, Director of Community Participation Development. Dian Novianti, Director of Anti-Corruption Education and Training Giri Suprapdiono, Director of Anti-Corruption Socialization and Campaign Arif Waluyo, Head of the Finance Bureau

C. Position of Administrator

Ike Danik Noviawati, Head of the Secretariat for Coordination and Supervision Muhammad Ferdiansyah, Head of Organization and Administration Yuyuk Andriati Iskak, Head of News Section Airin Martati Kusniar, Head of BMN and Homemaking Management Tri Sembodo Adi, Head of Office Activity and Administration Hanafi Hari Kusnanto, Head of the Secretariat for Prevention and Monitoring Haryanto, Head of the Secretariat for Enforcement and Execution Eni Rosmawati, Head of the Executive Secretariat Evi Laila Kholis, Head of Litigation and Witness Protection